Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R856-4-8 - Grant Amount, Award, and Required Contract(1) USTAR will have the discretion to limit the amount of funding that may be awarded for each STIG grant based on available funds, scope of project, and quality of proposal.(2) USTAR reserves the right to award funding for any proposal in full or in part, to request additional information, or to reject any or all applications based on the eligibility and evaluation criteria set forth in these rules and according to the judgment and discretion of USTAR and the governing authority. (3) Upon award of a STIG grant, and prior to any disbursement of funds, university(ies) must enter into a contract with USTAR governing the use of STIG grant funding.(4) Unless addressed in the terms and conditions of the contract between university(ies) and USTAR, the following provisions shall apply:(a) grant funding may not be used to provide a primary benefit to any state other than Utah; and,(b) for all other eligibility requirements, awardees must maintain eligibility status for the STIG program until the project is complete, all milestones have been met, final disbursement of funding has been made, and first year of reporting has been completed.(5) Violations of Sections R856-4-8 (-4) may result in forfeiture of grant funding and require repayment of all or a portion of the funding received as part of the STIG grant.Utah Admin. Code R856-4-8
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2017-8, effective 3/22/2017Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2017-17, effective 8/15/2017Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2018-4, effective 1/23/2018