Current through Bulletin 2024-23, December 1, 2024
Section R746-365-5 - Monitoring and Reporting RequirementsA. Availability and Retention of Records -- 1. Availability of Records -- Each telecommunications corporation shall make network engineering and administrative records available for inspection by the Commission or its designee during normal operating hours.2. Retention of Records -- All information required by this rule shall be preserved for at least 36 months after the date of entry.3. Information Maintained -- Each telecommunications corporation shall maintain records of its network engineering and administrative operations in sufficient detail to permit review of network performance, provisioning intervals and general service quality provided other telecommunications corporations.4. Rights of Division of Public Utilities -- Upon request made by the Division of Public Utilities, a telecommunications corporation shall provide within seven business days copies of any information requested. The Division of Public Utilities may request frequent monitoring of network performance, provisioning intervals and general service quality if evidence exists that public telecommunications services are impaired.5. Special Study -- When requested by the Division of Public Utilities (the Division), an ILEC may file a study with the Division of Public Utilities evidencing actual provisioning intervals for network facilities and services or actual repair intervals for services provided to a telecommunications corporation, to an affiliate, or, aggregated for its ten largest customers. The Division shall investigate the source of the ILEC's operational support evidence and, at its discretion, petition the Commission pursuant to R746-100-15, Deviation from Rules. If the Commission grants consideration of a petition, intervenors may audit the ILEC's operational support evidence underlying the results of its study.B. Network Monitoring and Performance Reporting Obligations Applicable to All Telecommunications Corporations --1. Monitoring -- Each telecommunications corporation shall monitor the use of its network so as to:a. issue the reports required by this section; andb. monitor the use of all trunk groups and other interconnection facilities and equipment on its own side of the point of interconnection between its network and the network of each interconnecting telecommunications corporation.2. Call Blocking -- Each telecommunications corporation shall maintain a daily record, by wire center, of call blocking. The record shall indicate the percentage of calls blocked by trunk group utilized by each interconnecting telecommunications corporation. Each telecommunications corporation shall notify an interconnecting telecommunications corporation immediately if call blocking on any trunk group within in any wire center exceeds standard industry levels specified in R746-365-4(A)(2).3. Delayed Service Orders -- Each telecommunications corporation shall maintain a record, by wire center, of each instance when it fails to supply essential facilities and services to an interconnecting telecommunications corporation in accordance with the provisioning intervals established in R746-365-4. The record shall provide the following data: a. the name and address of the telecommunications corporation;b. the circuit or facility type requested in the service order;c. the date and hour the service order was received;d. the reason for the delay;e. the number of days the order has been delayed;f. the expected order completion date for each service order;g. whether an initial service order was supplemented by the requesting telecommunications corporation and, if so, the date and time the supplement was approved by the providing carrier;h. a copy of the FOC provided the requesting telecommunications corporations.4. Carrier Trouble Reports -- Each telecommunications corporations shall maintain a record, by wire center, of trouble reports received from another telecommunications corporations. The record shall:a. identify the telecommunications corporation experiencing trouble;b. the affected services;c. the time, date and nature of the report;d. the cause and action taken to clear the trouble and its recorded disposition;e. the date and time of trouble clearance.C. Performance Monitoring and Reporting Obligations Applicable to ILECs -- 1. Service Provisioning Reports -- Each ILEC will provide interconnecting telecommunications corporations performance monitoring reports detailing the ILEC's provisioning of: a. services to the ILEC's retail customers in the aggregate;b. essential facilities and services provided to itself or any retail affiliate purchasing interconnection or access;c. essential facilities and services provided in the aggregate to other telecommunications corporations purchasing interconnection; andd. essential facilities and services provided to individual telecommunications corporations purchasing interconnection.2. Service Response Description -- The ILEC shall develop a detailed narrative description of the procedures it employs in responding to calls from: b. its affiliated customers purchasing essential facilities and services for interconnection or local exchange access;c. interconnecting telecommunications corporations; andd. The service response description will be made available upon request to telecommunications corporations purchasing essential facilities and services for interconnection. The ILEC shall comply with the procedures outlined in its service response description.3. Performance Monitoring Reports -- Performance monitoring reports shall include the following reports in addition to any additional reports the Commission may request: a. Pre-Ordering Data -- Pre-ordering data means network administration data that resides in an ILECs operational support systems that includes, but is not limited to: facility availability, service availability, customer service records, appointment scheduling, telephone number reservation, feature function availability, and street address validation. (i) Average OSS Response Interval for Pre-Ordering Data -- This report measures average response time per transaction for: customer service records; due date availability, address validation, feature function availability and telephone number selection and reservation. It shall be measured as: the Average Response Interval. The Average Response Interval will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the sum total of the differences between minuends expressed in Query Response date and time and subtrahends expressed in Query Submission date and time, the sum total dividend being divided by a divisor expressed as the number of Queries submitted in the reporting period.(ii) OSS Interface Availability -- This report measures the percentage of time an OSS Interface is actually available for use compared to scheduled availability. It shall be measured as: the Percent System Availability. The Percent System Availability will equal the quotient of the following formula: the dividend expressed in the hours the OSS Interface functionality is actually available to CLECs during the report period divided by a divisor expressed in the number of hours the functionality was scheduled to be available during the reporting period, the quotient being expressed as a percentage.b. Ordering -- (i) Firm Order Confirmation Timeline -- This report measures the average interval from receipt of a service order to distribution of an order confirmation notice. It shall be measured as: measured as the Mean FOC Interval. The Mean FOC Interval will equal the quotient of the following formula: the dividend expressed as the sum total of the differences of minuends expressed as the date and time of Firm Order Confirmation (FOCs) and subtrahends expressed as the date and time of Order acknowledgment, the sum total dividend being divided by a divisor expressed in the number of Orders confirmed in the reporting period.(ii) Reject Timelines -- This report measures average response time from receipt of service order to distribution of rejection notice. It shall be measured as: the Mean Reject Interval. The Mean Reject Interval will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the total sum of the difference of minuends expressed as the date and time of Order Rejection and subtrahends expressed as the date and time of Order Acknowledgment, the sum total dividend being divided by a divisor expressed in the number of Orders Rejected in the reporting period.(iii) Percentage Rejects -- This report measures the percentage of total service orders received and rejected by the ILEC due to errors or omissions in the service order.(iv) Timeliness of Order Completion Notification -- This report measures average response time from the actual completion date to distribution of service order completion notification. It shall be measured as: the Completion Interval. The Completion Interval shall equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the sum total of the differences of minuends expressed as the date and time of Notice of Completion issued to the telecommunications corporations and subtrahends expressed as the date and time of Work Completion by the ILEC, the sum total dividend being divided by a divisor expressed as the number of Orders completed during the reporting period.(v) Delayed Order Interval -- This report measures uncompleted orders where the committed due date on a firm confirmation order has passed. It shall be measured as: the Mean Delayed Order Interval. The Mean Delayed Order Interval will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the sum total of the differences of minuends expressed as the reporting period close date and subtrahends expressed as the Committed Order Due date, the sum total dividend being divided by a divisor expressed as the number of Orders Pending and Past the Committed Due Date.c. Provisioning -- (i) Average Completion Interval -- This report measures the average time from an ILECs receipt of service order to the completion date provided on an OCN. It shall be measured as: the Average Completion Interval. The Average Completion Interval will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the sum total of the differences of minuends expressed as the OCN date and time and subtrahends expressed as the Service Orders Submission date and time, the sum total dividend being divided by a divisor expressed as the count of Orders completed in the reporting period.(ii) Percentage of Orders Completed On Time -- This report measures the percentage of total orders completed on or before the completion date provided on an OCN. It shall be measured as: the Percent Orders Completed on Time. The Percent Orders Completed on Time will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the count of Orders Completed within ILEC Committed Due Date and a divisor expressed as the count of Orders Completed in the reporting period, the quotient being expressed as a percentage.(iii) Percentage Missed Installation Appointments -- This report measures the percentage of service orders where installation of service is not performed at a time in which the customer concurs. It excludes misses when the other telecommunications corporation or end user causes the missed appointment. It shall be measured as: the Percentage Missed Installation Appointments. The Percentage Missed Installation Appointments will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the count of appointments missed and a divisor expressed as the count of Wholesale Orders completed in the reporting period, the quotient being expressed as a percentage.(iv) New Service Installation Trouble Within 30 Days -- This report measures the percentage of new service installations which prove defective within 30 days following completion of a service order. It shall be measured as: the Percentage New Service Installation Trouble within 30 days. The Percentage New service Installation Trouble within 30 days will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the count of defective New Service Install in the past 30 days divided by a divisor expressed as the count of total New Service Installs in the past 30 days; the quotient being expressed as a percentage.d. Maintenance -- (i) Trouble Report Rate -- This report measures the frequency of direct or referred trouble report incidents across a universe of facilities where the cause is determined to be in network facilities. It is measured as a percentile of lines or circuit types in service. It shall be measured as: the Trouble Report Rate. The Trouble Report Rate will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the count of Initial and Repeated Trouble Reports in the reporting period divided by a dividend expressed as the number of Service Access Lines in service at the end of the reporting period; the quotient being expressed as a percentage. For purposes of R746-365-5 C(1)(c) and (d), an ILEC shall exclude from its count of trouble reports queries made to the ILEC from another telecommunications corporation's end- user customers who are not served by the ILEC.(ii) Missed Repair Appointments -- This report measures the percentage of trouble reports not cleared by the committed date and time. It excludes misses where the telecommunications corporation or end user caused the missed appointment. It shall be measured as: the Percentage Missed Repair Appointments. The Percentage Missed Repair Appointments will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the count of Repair Appointments Missed divided by a divisor expressed as the count of Total Appointments; the quotient being expressed as a percentage.(iii) Mean Time to Restore -- This report measures the restoral interval for resolution of maintenance and repair troubles. It measures the elapsed time from receipt of a trouble report to the time the reported trouble is cleared. It shall be measured as: the Mean Time to Restore. The Mean Time to Restore will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the sum total of the differences of minuends expressed as the date and time of Ticket Closure and subtrahends expressed as the date and time of Ticket creation, the sum total dividend being divided by a divisor expressed as the count of Trouble Tickets Closed in the reporting period.(iv) Percentage Repeat Trouble Reports Within 30 Days -- This report measures the percentage of trouble reports on a line or circuit that has had a previous trouble report in the preceding 30 days. It shall be measured as: the Repeat Trouble Rate. The Repeat Trouble Rate will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the count of Service Access Lines generating more than one Trouble Report within a continuous 30 day period divided by a divisor expressed as the number of Trouble Reports in the report period; the quotient being expressed as a percentage.e. Billing -- (i) Timeliness of Daily Usage Feed -- This report measures the interval in hours between the recording of usage data and the transmission in proper format to a telecommunications corporation. It shall include usage originating at ILEC switches, resale and UNE switching, and not alternately billed messages received from other ILECs. It shall be measured as: the Mean Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records. The Mean Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records will equal the quotient of the following formula: a dividend expressed as the sum total of the differences of minuends expressed as the data set transmission time and subtrahends expressed as the time of message recording the sum total dividend being divided by a divisor expressed as the count of all messages transmitted in the reporting period; the quotient being expressed as a percentage.f. Specific Performance Monitoring Reports -- The Commission, the Division of Public Utilities or a telecommunications corporation may request from the ILEC a report on a specific basis rather than on an average basis with respect to any of the information described in the foregoing performance monitoring reports.4. Identifiable Carrier-Specific Information -- An ILEC shall ensure that any carrier specific information contained in the performance monitoring reports is disclosed only to the individual carrier. The ILEC shall not use any information specific to a carrier for any purpose other than the reporting requirements contained herein.Utah Admin. Code R746-365-5