Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R746-350-4 - Application and Notice ContentsA. Application -- The application to the Commission required by R746-350-3.A must include: 1. applicant's name, complete mailing address, including street, city, state, and zip code, telephone number, e-mail address, and the names under which the applicant is providing telecommunications service in Utah;2. name, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address of a person or persons, designated by the Exiting Provider, to contact for questions about the application;3. identification of the associated service territory, or portion thereof, proposed for discontinuance;4. the Intended Date of Discontinuance, which shall not be sooner than 50 days after the date on which the Exiting Provider files the application with the Commission;5. acknowledgment that by signing the application, the applicant and its successors understand and agree that: a. filing of the application does not, by itself, constitute authority to discontinue any service;b. discontinuance shall occur as ordered by the Commission; andc. the Exiting Provider shall assist in the porting of any assigned telephone numbers to a Replacement Provider.6. an affidavit signed by an officer or principal of the Exiting Provider attesting under penalty of perjury that the contents of the application are true, accurate, and correct; and7. a copy of the notices required in this rule.B. Notice to the Division -- The notice to the Division required in R746-350-3.B.1 shall be a copy of the application submitted to the Commission.C. Notice to Customers -- The notice to customers required in R746-350-3.B.2 must, at a minimum, include:1. the Intended Date of Discontinuance on which Basic Telecommunications Service is planned to be discontinued; and2. information on how to contact the Exiting Provider by telephone in order to obtain information such as how customers may receive a refund on any unused service or how to contact regulatory agencies to obtain information on possible replacement providers. The Exiting Provider shall continue to provide refund information, via a customer service number, for 60 days after the date of discontinuance of service;D. Notice to Other Companies -- The notice to other companies required in R746-350-3.B.3 must, at a minimum, include:1. the Intended Date of Discontinuance of Basic Telecommunications Service; and2. telephone contact information to enable other companies to obtain additional information regarding the discontinuance of service.3. Until chosen as the Replacement Provider, telecommunications corporations receiving notices under R746-350-3.B.3 may not use information contained in the notices to initiate marketing efforts unless the information is first made available to other telecommunications corporations for their marketing efforts.E. Earlier Notice for Exclusive Facilities -- Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in R746-350-3.A and R746-350-4.A.4, if an Exiting Provider has ownership or control of the only facilities readily available to provide Basic Telecommunications Service to customers so that another telecommunications corporation would either need to acquire control of those facilities or install its own facilities in order to serve the customers of the Exiting Provider, then the following shall be required: 1. The Exiting Provider shall provide notice to the Commission, the Division and to telecommunications corporations identified in the Commission's list of certificated telecommunications companies at least 120 days prior to its Intended Date of Discontinuance. The notice shall grant other telecommunications corporations 40 days to respond indicating any interest in obtaining the facilities and their transfer.2. The Exiting Provider shall file its application to discontinue service with the Commission at least 75 days prior to the Intended Date of Discontinuance.3. The Commission shall determine the timing of any further proceedings, including the timing of further notices.F. Notice to the National Number Administrator -- Unless the Exiting Provider has established a need to retain the telephone numbers, the notice required in R746-350-3.B.4 shall include identification of all telephone numbers assigned to customers, identification of all unassigned or administrative numbers available for reassignment to other providers and the date the unassigned telephone numbers will be available for reassignment.Utah Admin. Code R746-350-4