Utah Admin. Code 746-346-8

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R746-346-8 - Caller Access
A. Contract -- A contract between an operator service provider and a call aggregator for the provision of operator services through public telephones shall require that the caller have access to the local exchange carrier operator servicing the exchange from which the call is made and to other telecommunication utilities, unless otherwise provided in R746-346-8(C).
B. Conditions -- The access required by this section shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. Caller access to the local exchange carrier operator shall be accomplished either:
a. by directly routing all "0-" calls to the local exchange carrier operator without charge to the caller; or
b. by transfer or redirection of the call by the operator service provider, without charge to the caller so that the local exchange carrier operator receives all signaling information, for example automatic number identification and originating line screening, that would have been received by the local exchange operator if the call had been directly routed to the local exchange carrier. The operator service provider shall be in compliance with the requirements of R746-346-6(B).
2. Caller access to interexchange carriers by "950-XXXX" and "1-800" numbers shall not be blocked.
3. Caller access to interexchange carriers by "10XXX+0," whether "10XXX+0+" or "10XXX+0," dialing shall not be blocked if the end office serving the originating line has originating line screening capability. A nonpresubscribed interexchange carrier shall not bill the call aggregator or the presubscribed interexchange carrier for local or toll messages originated at the call aggregator's facility by use of "10XXX+0," whether "10XXX+0+" or "10XXX+0-," dialing if the call aggregator:
a. has subscribed to the necessary local exchange company outgoing call screening feature to ensure that appropriate originating line screening is transmitted with each call; and
b. has provided 30 days notice to the interexchange carrier that originating screening is available.
C. Waiver -- Application for waiver of the above caller access requirements may be filed with the Commission by the call aggregator or the operator service provider to prevent fraudulent use of telephone services or for other good cause. If the application for waiver pertains to technical limitations of equipment, the equipment shall be clearly identified in the application, including the manufacturer and the model. The application shall indicate the date of purchase of the equipment by the call aggregator, the extent to which equipment is available to allow the access requirements to be met, the associated costs, and the time requirements associated with equipment modifications.

Utah Admin. Code R746-346-8