Utah Admin. Code 746-345-5

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R746-345-5 - Rental Rate Formula and Method
A. Rate Formula -- Any rate based on the rate formula in this Subsection shall be considered just and reasonable unless determined otherwise by the Commission. A pole attachment rental rate shall be based on publicly filed data and must conform to the Federal Communications Commission's rules and regulations governing pole attachments, except as modified by this Section. A pole attachment rental rate shall be calculated and charged as an annual per attachment rental rate for each attachment space used by an attaching entity. The following formula and presumptions shall be used to establish pole attachment rates:
1. Formula:

Rate per attachment space = (Space Used x (1/Usable Space) x Cost of Bare Pole x Carrying Charge Rate)

2. Definitions:
a. "Carrying Charge Rate" means the percentage of a pole owner's depreciation expense, administrative and general expenses, maintenance expenses, taxes, rate of return, pro-rated annualized costs for pole audits or other expenses that are attributable to the pole owner's investment and management of poles.
b. "Cost of Bare Pole" can be defined as either "net cost" or "gross cost." "Gross cost" means the original investment, purchase price, of poles and fixtures, excluding crossarms and appurtenances, divided by the number of poles represented in the investment amount. "Net cost" means the original investment, purchase price, of poles and fixtures, excluding crossarms and appurtenances, less depreciation reserve and deferred federal income taxes associated with the pole investment, divided by the number of poles represented in the investment amount. A pole owner may use gross cost only when its net cost is a negative balance. If using the net or gross cost results in an unfair or unreasonable outcome, a pole owner or attaching entity can seek relief from the Commission under R746-345-5 C.
c. "Unusable Space" means the space on a utility pole below the usable space including the amount required to set the depth of the pole.
d. "Usable Space" means the space on a utility pole above the minimum grade level to the top of the pole, which includes the space occupied by the pole owner.
3. Rebuttable presumptions:
a. Average pole height equals 37.5 feet.
b. Usable space per pole equals 13.5 feet.
c. Unusable space per pole equals 24 feet.
d. Space used by an attaching entity:
(i) An electric pole attachment equals 7.5 feet;
(ii) A telecommunications pole attachment equals 1.0 foot;
(iii) A cable television pole attachment equals 1.0 foot; and
(iv) An electric, cable, or telecommunications secondary pole attachment equals 1.0 foot.
(v) A wireless provider's pole attachment equals not less than 1.0 foot and shall be determined by the amount of space on the pole that is rendered unusable for other uses, as a result of the attachment or the associated equipment. The space used by a wireless provider may be established as an average and included in the pole owner's tariff and standard contract, or SGAT, pursuant to Section R746-345-3 of this Rule.
e. The space used by a wireless provider:
(i) may not include any of the length of a vertically placed cable, wire, conduit, antenna, or other facility unless the vertically placed cable, wire, conduit, antenna, or other facility prevents another attaching entity from placing a pole attachment in the usable space of the pole;
(ii) may not exceed the average pole height established in Subsection R746-345-5(A)(3)(a).
(iii) In situations in which the pole owner and wireless provider are unable to agree, following good faith negotiations, on the space used by the wireless provider as determined in Subsection R746-345-5(A)(3)(d)(v), the pole owner or wireless provider may petition the Commission to determine the footage of space used by the wireless provider as provided in Subsection R746-345-3(C).
f. The Commission shall recalculate the rental rate only when it deems necessary. Pole owners or attaching entities may petition the Commission to reexamine the rental rate.
4. A pole owner may not assess a fee or charge in addition to an annual pole attachment rental rate, including any non-recurring fee or charge described in Subsection R746-345-3(A)(2), for any cost included in the calculation of its annual pole attachment rental rate.
B. Commission Relief -- A pole owner or attaching entity may petition the Commission to review a pole attachment rental rate, rate formula, or rebuttable presumption as provided for in this rule. The petition must include a factual showing that a rental rate, rate formula or rebuttable presumption is unjust, unreasonable or otherwise inconsistent with the public interest.

Utah Admin. Code R746-345-5