Utah Admin. Code 746-313-2

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R746-313-2 - Definitions
(1) "Customer average interruption duration index" (CAIDI) has the same meaning as in IEEE 1366 or RUS 1730A-119, as applicable.
(2) "Electric company" means an electrical corporation or a distribution electrical cooperative that is also a public utility, as defined in Section 54-2-1.
(3) "Form 7 - Information on Service Interruptions" means:
(a) Part G of the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service Form 7 Financial and Statistical Report;
(b) Part H of the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation Form 7 Financial and Statistical Report; or
(c) their equivalents.
(4) "Governing Authority" means:
(a) for a distribution electrical cooperative as defined in Subsection 54-2-1(6), its board of directors; and
(b) for an electrical corporation as defined in Subsection 54-2-1(7), the Public Service Commission of Utah, otherwise referred to as the commission.
(5) "The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1366" (IEEE 1366) means the 2012 edition of the IEEE Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices.
(6) "Loss of power supply"
(a) "Loss of power supply - Distribution Substation" means the loss of the electrical power supply system due to an outage or failure of a distribution substation component.
(b) "Loss of power supply - Generation or Transmission" means the loss of the electrical power supply from the electric company's own electric generator or transmission system, including transmission lines and transmission substations, or from another electric company or electric corporation.
(7) "Momentary average interruption event frequency index" (MAIFIe) has the same meaning as in IEEE 1366 or RUS 1730A-119, as applicable.
(8) "Major event day identification threshold value" (TMED) has the same meaning as in IEEE 1366 or RUS 1730A-119.
(9) "Operating area" means a geographic subdivision of an electric company's Utah service territory that functions under the direction of an electric company office and as a separate entity used for reliability reporting within the electric company. An operating area may also be referred to as regions, divisions, or districts, and may also be a reliability reporting area.
(10) "Reliability" means the degree to which electric service is supplied without interruptions to customers.
(11) "Reliability indices" means the electric service interruption indices identified in IEEE 1366 or RUS 1730A-119, as applicable.
(12) "Reliability reporting area" means a grouping of one or more operating areas, for which the electric company calculates major event thresholds.
(13) "Reporting Period" means the 12-month period, based on the previous 365 days, or 366 days for leap years, for which an electric company is tracking and reporting reliability performance.
(14) "Rules" means the electric service reliability rules found at Sections R746-313-1 through R746-313-8.
(15) "RUS 1730A-119" means the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service Bulletin 1730A-119 entitled "Interruption Reporting and Service Continuity Objectives for Electric Distribution Systems," dated March 24, 2009.
(16) "System average interruption duration index" (SAIDI) has the same meaning as in IEEE 1366 or RUS 1730A-119, as applicable.
(17) "System average interruption frequency index" (SAIFI) has the same meaning as in IEEE 1366 or RUS 1730A-119, as applicable.
(18) "System-wide" means pertaining to and limited to the electric company's customers in Utah.

Utah Admin. Code R746-313-2

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-08, effective 4/9/2024