Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R746-200-8 - Informal ReviewA. A person who is unable to resolve a dispute with the utility concerning a matter subject to Public Service Commission jurisdiction may obtain informal review of the dispute by a designated employee within the Division of Public Utilities. This employee shall investigate the dispute, try to resolve it, and inform both the utility and the consumer of his findings within five business days from receipt of the informal review request. Upon receipt of a request for informal review, the Division employee shall, within one business day, notify the utility that an informal complaint has been filed. Absent unusual circumstances, the utility shall attempt to resolve the complaint within five business days. In no circumstances shall the utility fail to respond to the informal complaint within five business days. The response shall advise the complainant and the Division employee regarding the results of the utility's investigation and a proposed solution to the dispute or provide a timetable to complete any investigation and propose a solution. The utility shall make reasonable efforts to complete any investigation and resolve the dispute within 30 calendar days. A proposed solution may be that the utility request that the informal complaint be dismissed if, in good faith, it believes the complaint is without merit. The utility shall inform the Division employee of the utility's response to the complaint, the proposed solution and the complainant's acceptance or rejection of the proposed solution and shall keep the Division employee informed as to the progress made with respect to the resolution and final disposition of the informal complaint. If, after 30 calendar days from the receipt of a request for informal review, the Division employee has received no information that the complainant has accepted a proposed solution or otherwise completely resolved the complaint with the utility, the complaint shall be presumed to be unresolved.B. Mediation -- If the utility or the complainant determines that they cannot resolve the dispute by themselves, either of them may request that the Division attempt to mediate the dispute. When a mediation request is made, the Division employee shall inform the other party within five business days of the mediation request. The other party shall either accept or reject the mediation request within ten business days after the date of the mediation request, and so advise the mediation-requesting party and the Division employee. If mediation is accepted by both parties or the complaint continues to be unresolved 30 calendar days after receipt, the Division employee shall further investigate and evaluate the dispute, considering both the customer's complaint and the utility's response, their past efforts to resolve the dispute, and try to mediate a resolution between the complainant and the utility. Mediation efforts may continue for 30 days or until the Division employee informs the parties that the Division has determined that mediation is not likely to result in a mutually acceptable resolution, whichever is shorter.C. Division Access to Information During Informal Review or Mediation -- The utility and the complainant shall provide documents, data or other information requested by the Division, to evaluate the complaint, within five business days of the Division's request, if reasonably possible or as expeditiously as possible, if they cannot be provided within five business days.D. Commission Review -- If the utility has proposed that the complaint be dismissed from informal review for lack of merit and the Division concurs in the disposition, if either party has rejected mediation or if mediation efforts are unsuccessful and the Division has not been able to assist the parties in reaching a mutually accepted resolution of the informal dispute, or the dispute is otherwise unresolved between the parties, the Division in all cases shall inform the complainant of the right to petition the Commission for a review of the dispute, and shall make available to the complainant a standardized complaint form with instructions approved by the Commission. The Division itself may petition the Commission for review of a dispute in any case which the Division determines appropriate. While a complainant is proceeding with an informal or a formal review or mediation by the Division or a Commission review of a dispute, no termination of service shall be permitted, if any amounts not disputed are paid when due, subject to the utility's right to terminate service pursuant to R746-200-7(F), Termination of Service Without Notice.Utah Admin. Code R746-200-8