Utah Admin. Code 746-200-4

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R746-200-4 - Account Billing
A. Billing Cycle -- Each gas, electric, sewer and water utility shall use a billing cycle that has an interval between regular periodic billing statements of not greater than two months. This section applies to permanent continuous service customers, not to seasonal customers.
B. Estimated Billing --
1. A gas, electric, sewer or water public utility using an estimated billing procedure shall try to make an actual meter reading at least once in a two-month period and give a bill for the appropriate charge determined from that reading. When weather conditions prevent regular meter readings, or when customers are served on a seasonal tariff, the utility will make arrangements with the customer to get meter reads at acceptable intervals.
2. If a meter reader cannot gain access to a meter to make an actual reading, the public utility shall take appropriate additional measures in an effort to get an actual meter reading. These measures shall include, but are not limited to, scheduling of a meter reading at other than normal business hours, making an appointment for meter reading, or providing a prepaid postal card with a notice of instruction upon which an account holder may record a meter reading. If after two regular route visits, access has not been achieved, the utility will notify the customer that he must make arrangements to have the meter read as a condition of continuing service.
3. If, after compliance with Subsection R746-200-4(B)(2), a public utility cannot make an actual meter reading it may give an estimated bill for the current billing cycle in accordance with Subsection R746-200-7(C)(1)(f), Reasons for Termination.
C. Periodic Billing Statement -- Except when a residential utility service account is considered uncollectible or when collection or termination procedures have been started, a public utility shall mail or deliver an accurate bill to the account holder for each billing cycle at the end of which there is an outstanding debit balance for current service, a statement which the account holder may keep, setting forth each of the following disclosures to the extent applicable:
1. the outstanding balance in the account at the beginning of the current billing cycle using a term such as "previous balance";
2. the amount of charges debited to the account during the current billing cycle using a term such as "current service";
3. the amount of payments made to the account during the current billing cycle using a term such as "payments";
4. the amount of credits other than payments to the account during the current billing cycle using a term such as "credits";
5. the amount of late payment charges debited to the account during the current billing cycle using a term such as "late charge";
6. the closing date of the current billing cycle and the outstanding balance in the account on that date using a term such as "amount due";
7. a listing of the statement due date by which payment of the new balance must be made to avoid assessment of a late charge;
8. a statement that a late charge, expressed as an annual percentage rate and a periodic rate, may be assessed against the account for late payment;
9. the following notice: "If you have any questions about this bill, please call the Company."
D. Late Charge --
1. Commencing not sooner than the end of the first billing cycle after the statement due date, a late charge of a periodic rate as established by the Commission may be assessed against an unpaid balance in excess of new charges debited to the account during the current billing cycle. The Commission may change the rate of interest.
2. No other charge, whether described as a finance charge, service charge, discount, net or gross charge may be applied to an account for failure to pay an outstanding bill by the statement due date. This section does not apply to reconnection charges or return check service charges.
E. Statement Due Date -- An account holder shall have not less than 20 days from the date the current bill was prepared to pay the new balance, which date shall be the statement due date.
F. Disputed Bill --
1. In disputing a periodic billing statement, an account holder shall first try to resolve the issue by discussion with the public utility's collections personnel.
2. When an account holder has proceeded pursuant to Subsection R746-200-4(F)(1), the public utility's collections personnel shall investigate the disputed issue and shall try to resolve that issue by negotiation.
3. If the negotiation does not resolve the dispute, the account holder may obtain informal and formal review of the dispute as set forth in Section R746-200-8, Informal Review, and R746-200-9, Formal Review.
4. While an account holder is proceeding with either informal or formal review of a dispute, no termination of service shall be permitted if amounts not disputed are paid when due.
G. Unpaid Bills - Utilities transferring unpaid bills from inactive or past accounts to active or current accounts shall follow these limitations:
1. A utility company may only transfer bills between similar classes of service, such as residential to residential, not commercial to residential.
2. Unpaid amounts for billing cycles older than four years before the time of transfer cannot be transferred to an active or current account.
3. The customer shall be provided with an explanation of the transferred amounts from earlier billing cycles and informed of the customer's ability to dispute the transferred amount.
4. The customer may dispute the transferred amount pursuant to R746-200-4(F).

Utah Admin. Code R746-200-4