Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R661-14-1 - Heavy Equipment Purchase and Repair Program(1) Funding for purchase or repair of Heavy Equipment (a) Heavy Equipment is equipment such as Graders, Backhoes, or Bobcat or Skidsteer, Fork Lift, One-ton flatbed truck, and attachments.(b) Funds for this program will be allocated from Heavy Equipment allocation and/or Chapter Projects allocation funds for this program. (i) UNTF will match up to 75% of the Heavy Equipment purchase with a cap of $75,000 for any single item ($50,000.00 piece of heavy equipment x 75% = $37,500.00 UNTF Funding).(ii) If a Chapter House is not located in Utah, a prorated amount will be applied in addition to the 75% based on the Chapter population in Utah compared to the Chapter population in the Arizona. The Dennehotso and Teecnospos Chapter Houses are located in Arizona, therefore the cap for purchases for those Chapter Houses are as follows: (A) Dennehotso Chapter is 10% (for example, if heavy equipment cost $20,000, the formula will be $20,000 x 75% x 10% = $1,500.00.)(B) Teecnospos Chapter is 30% (for example, equipment cost of $20,000 x 75% x 30% = $4,500.00.)(c) Minor Repairs and Maintenance for Heavy Equipment are the responsibility of the Chapter.(2) Procedures (a) UNTF is required to make heavy equipment purchased using the State of Utah Purchasing Department annual purchasing contracts.(i) Chapters shall contact the UNTF staff to obtain the information regarding types of office equipment that is available under the state contract.(ii) If equipment is purchased under the state contract, two price quotes are not required.(b) If the equipment is not under state contract, the Chapter shall obtain cost quotations from at least two vendors or equipment repair service providers to get the best price; the quotes shall be attached to the proposal.(c) The Chapter shall obtain a signed Chapter resolution supporting the proposal.(d) The Chapter shall use the UNTF "Equipment Purchase/Repair Proposal" form and attendant checklist to submit the request for funding.(e) The proposal and resolution shall be submitted to the UNTF Administration for consideration by the Dine' Advisory Committee and the Board of Trustees.(f) If approved by the Board of Trustees, the Chapter will submit a UNTF Payment Request form to complete the purchase.(3) The Chapter shall ensure that Heavy Equipment should only be operated by properly trained experienced operators.(4) Heavy equipment purchased using UNTF funds shall not be sold without approval from UNTF.Utah Admin. Code R661-14-1
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-20, effective 9/21/2016