Rule R657-5 - Taking Big Game
- Section R657-5-1 - Purpose and Authority
- Section R657-5-2 - Definitions
- Section R657-5-3 - License, Permit, and Tag Requirements
- Section R657-5-4 - Age Requirements and Restrictions
- Section R657-5-5 - Duplicate License and Permit
- Section R657-5-6 - Hunting Hours
- Section R657-5-7 - Prohibited Weapons and Devices
- Section R657-5-8 - Rifles, Shotguns, Airguns, and Crossbows
- Section R657-5-9 - Handguns
- Section R657-5-10 - Muzzleloaders
- Section R657-5-11 - Archery Equipment
- Section R657-5-12 - Areas With Special Restrictions
- Section R657-5-13 - Spotlighting
- Section R657-5-14 - Use of Vehicle or Aircraft
- Section R657-5-15 - Party Hunting and Use of Dogs
- Section R657-5-16 - Big Game Contests
- Section R657-5-17 - Tagging
- Section R657-5-18 - Transporting Big Game Within Utah
- Section R657-5-19 - Exporting Big Game From Utah
- Section R657-5-20 - Purchasing or Selling Big Game or its Parts
- Section R657-5-21 - Possession of Antlers and Horns
- Section R657-5-22 - Poaching-Reported Reward Permits
- Section R657-5-23 - General Archery Buck Deer Hunt
- Section R657-5-24 - General Any Weapon Buck Deer Hunt
- Section R657-5-25 - General Muzzleloader Buck Deer Hunt
- Section R657-5-26 - Premium Limited Entry and Limited Entry Buck Deer Hunts
- Section R657-5-27 - Antlerless Deer Hunts
- Section R657-5-28 - General Archery Elk Hunt
- Section R657-5-29 - General Season Bull Elk Hunt
- Section R657-5-30 - General Muzzleloader Bull Elk Hunt
- Section R657-5-31 - Draw Only Youth Any Bull /Hunter's Choice Elk Permit
- Section R657-5-32 - General Season Youth Elk Permit
- Section R657-5-33 - Limited Entry Bull Elk Hunts
- Section R657-5-34 - Antlerless Elk Hunts
- Section R657-5-35 - Buck Pronghorn Hunts
- Section R657-5-36 - Doe Pronghorn Hunts
- Section R657-5-37 - Antlerless Moose Hunts
- Section R657-5-38 - Bull Moose Hunts
- Section R657-5-39 - Bison Hunts
- Section R657-5-39.5 - [Repealed]
- Section R657-5-40 - Desert Bighorn and Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Ram Hunts
- Section R657-5-40.5 - Desert Bighorn and Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ewe Hunts
- Section R657-5-41 - Rocky Mountain Goat Hunts
- Section R657-5-42 - Depredation Hunter Pool Permits
- Section R657-5-43 - Carcass Importation
- Section R657-5-44 - Chronic Wasting Disease - Infected Animals and Testing
- Section R657-5-45 - Management Buck Deer Hunt
- Section R657-5-46 - Cactus Buck Deer Hunt
- Section R657-5-47 - Handgun-Archery-Muzzleloader-Shotgun- Straight-walled Rifle- Only Hunt
- Section R657-5-48 - Restricted Weapons Hunt
- Section R657-5-49 - Hunter Orange Exceptions
- Section R657-5-50 - Authorization to Remove Bighorn Sheep from Domestic Sheep Operations
- Section R657-5-51 - Game Retrieval and Meat Salvage Minimum Requirements
- Section R657-5-52 - Harvest Reporting