Rule R652-20 - Mineral Resources
- Section R652-20-100 - Authority
- Section R652-20-200 - Mineral Leases-Issuance
- Section R652-20-300 - Non-Classified Minerals
- Section R652-20-400 - Close Association Minerals
- Section R652-20-600 - Bed of Navigable Lake or River
- Section R652-20-700 - Non-Contiguous Tracts
- Section R652-20-800 - Size of Leasable Tract
- Section R652-20-900 - Lease Acreage Limitations
- Section R652-20-1000 - Rentals and Royalties
- Section R652-20-1100 - Limits to Rental Credit
- Section R652-20-1200 - Record of Application and Deficient Applications
- Section R652-20-1300 - Order of Filing Conflict
- Section R652-20-1400 - Newly Acquired Lands
- Section R652-20-1500 - Minimum Bid/Simultaneous Filing
- Section R652-20-1600 - Posting Dates/Simultaneous Filing
- Section R652-20-1700 - Sealed Envelopes/Simultaneous Filing
- Section R652-20-1800 - Application Refund
- Section R652-20-1900 - Application Withdrawal
- Section R652-20-2000 - Application Withdrawal Under Simultaneous Filing
- Section R652-20-2100 - Failure of State's Title
- Section R652-20-2200 - Lease Provisions
- Section R652-20-2300 - Lessee Rights
- Section R652-20-2400 - Operations Notification Period
- Section R652-20-2500 - Multiple Mineral Development (MMD) Area Designation
- Section R652-20-2600 - Term of Mineral Lease
- Section R652-20-2700 - Lease Continuation
- Section R652-20-2800 - Bonding
- Section R652-20-3000 - Mineral Lease Application-Lake or Stream Bed
- Section R652-20-3100 - Great Salt Lake-Salt and Other Mineral Resources
- Section R652-20-3200 - Mineral Salts Leases Within Great Salt Lake
- Section R652-20-3400 - Geothermal Steam Leases
- Section R652-20-3600 - Special Lease Agreement-Documentation
- Section R652-20-4000 - Readjustment Rule