Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R650-302-5 - Project Eligibility Criteria(1)(a) The infrastructure grant recipient shall provide matching funds based on an algorithm determined by the division and made available in the infrastructure grant application or the program guide.(b) The algorithm under Subsection (1)(a) shall consider the total population and per capita income of the county where the project will be located.(c) For infrastructure grant awards within the mini-grant category, the infrastructure grant recipient shall provide matching funds having a value equal to or greater than the amount of the infrastructure grant.(d) The maximum infrastructure grant award available: (i) shall depend on available funds; and(ii) shall be specified in the infrastructure grant application.(e) Up to 50% of the infrastructure grant recipient match may be provided through an in-kind contribution by the infrastructure grant recipient, if:(i) approved by the director and the executive director after consultation with the advisory committee; and(ii) the in-kind donation does not include real property.(f) The division shall include the following information in the application form:(i) matching funding requirements; and (ii) eligible and ineligible matching costs.(g) An applicant shall secure at least 75% of the project's matching funds before submitting an application.(h) An applicant's budget estimates may be rounded to the nearest $500 increment.(2)(a) For applications over $15,000, an applicant shall include a letter of support from the local economic development office or local tourism director.(b) The letter of support shall state that the project has the potential to attract growth and retention in the community or area or increase visitation to the region.(c) Applicants shall include a statement of responsibility from any entity responsible for maintaining the recreational infrastructure.(3) An applicant shall obtain approval from the appropriate land management entity for any recreational infrastructure project if the project is physically located on public lands.(4) If required by law, the infrastructure grant applicant shall comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and, upon written request of the division, shall provide to the division written certification of NEPA compliance from the land management authority where the project is physically located.(5)(a) All projects shall be:(i) wholly located within the state; and(ii) on land owned by or under the applicant's control or on land owned by a management agency partner, including federal, state, or local government entities, or a conservancy.(b) If the project crosses private property, the applicant shall ensure that public access is maintained for a minimum of 10 years. This guarantee shall be in the form of an easement, right-of-way, or other negotiated written agreement acceptable to the division.(6) Applicants shall:(a) consult with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources to determine if the project is located within a special management area for sensitive species; and(b) coordinate with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources to ensure the project complies with statutes and rules applicable to special management areas if the project is located within a special management area.(7) An infrastructure grant applicant shall comply with the requirements of Sections 9-8-401 through 9-8-405 before beginning any project.(8) An infrastructure grant may not be awarded if the awarded funds, or the infrastructure grant recipient's matching funds, will be used for the purchase of real property or for the purchase or transfer of a conservation easement.Utah Admin. Code R650-302-5
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-21, effective 10/24/2023