Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R649-3-9 - Protection of Upper Productive Strata1. No well shall be deepened for the purpose of producing oil or gas from a lower stratum until each upper productive strata are protected, either permanently by casing and cementing or temporarily through the use of tubing and packer, to the satisfaction of the division.2. In any well that appears to have defective, poorly cemented, or corroded casing that will permit or may create underground waste or may contaminate underground or surface fresh water, the operator shall proceed with diligence to use the appropriate method and means to eliminate such hazard of underground waste or contamination of fresh water. If such hazard cannot be eliminated, the well shall be properly plugged and abandoned.3. Natural gas that is encountered in substantial quantities in any section of a drilled hole above the ultimate objective shall be shut off with reasonable diligence, either by mudding, casing or other approved method, and shall be confined to its original source to the satisfaction of the division.Utah Admin. Code R649-3-9
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-15, effective 7/27/2020