Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R649-3-34 - Well Site Restoration1. The operator of a well shall upon plugging and abandonment of the well restore the well site in accordance with these rules.2. For any land included in the well site for which the surface is federal, Indian, or state ownership, the operator shall meet the well site restoration requirements of the appropriate surface management agency.3. For any land included in the well site for which the surface is fee or private ownership, the operator shall meet the well site restoration requirements of the private landowner or the minimum well site restoration requirements established by the division.4. Well site restoration on lands with fee or private ownership shall be completed within one (1) year following the plugging of a well unless an extension is approved by the division for just and reasonable cause.5. These rules shall not preclude the opportunity for a private landowner to assume liability for the well as a water well in accordance with Subsection R649-3-24.6.6. The operator shall make a reasonable effort to establish surface use agreements with the owners of land included in the well site prior to the commencement of the following actions on fee or private surface:6.1. Drilling a new well.6.2. Reentering an abandoned well.6.3. Assuming operatorship of existing wells.7. Upon application to the division to perform any of the aforementioned and prior to approval of such actions by the division, the operator shall submit an affidavit to the division stating whether appropriate surface use agreements have been established with and approved by the surface landowners of the well site.8. If necessary and upon request by the division, the operator shall submit a copy of the established surface use agreements to the division.9. If no surface use agreement can be established, the division shall establish minimum well site restoration requirements for any well located on fee or private surface for the purposes of final bond release.10. Established surface use agreements may be modified or terminated at any time by mutual consent of the involved parties; however, the operator shall notify the division if such is the case and if a surface use agreement is terminated without a new agreement established, the division shall establish minimum well site reclamation requirements.11. The operator shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of any surface use agreement, and it shall be assumed by the division until notified otherwise that surface use agreements remain in full force and effect until the requirements of the agreement are satisfied or until the agreement has been terminated by mutual consent of the involved parties.12. The surface use agreement shall stipulate the minimum well site restoration to be performed by the operator in order to allow final release of the bond.13. The final bond release by the division shall include a determination by the division whether or not the operator has met the requirements of an established surface use agreement, and the division may suspend final bond release until the operator has completed the requirements of the surface use agreement.14. The agreement may state requirements for well site grading, contouring, scarification, reseeding, and abandonment of any equipment or facilities for which the landowner agrees to assume liability.15. The agreement shall not address operations regulated by the rules and orders of the board such as: 15.1. Disposal of drilling fluid, produced fluid, or other fluid waste associated with the drilling and production of the well.15.2. Reclamation or treating of waste crude oil.15.3. Any other operation or condition for which the board has jurisdiction.16. If the operator cannot establish surface use agreements then the operator shall so notify the division.17. Within 30 days of the notification or as soon as weather conditions permit, the division shall conduct an inspection and evaluation of the well site in order to establish minimum well site restoration requirements for the purpose of final bond release.18. The operator shall be given notice by the division of the date and time of the inspection, and if the operator cannot attend the inspection at the scheduled date and time, the division may reschedule the inspection to allow the operator to participate.19. The surface landowner, agent or lessee shall be given notice by the operator of such inspection and may participate in the inspection; however, if the surface landowner cannot attend the inspection, the division shall not be required to reschedule the inspection in order to allow the surface landowner to participate.20. The evaluation shall consider the condition of the land prior to disturbance, the extent of proposed disturbance, the degree of difficulty to conduct complete restoration, the potential for pollution, the requirements for abating pollution, and the possible land use after plugging and restoration are completed.21. Within 30 days after performing the inspection, the division shall provide the operator with the results of the inspection and the evaluation listing the minimum well site restoration requirements established by the division.22. The division shall retain a record of the inspection and the evaluation, and if necessary and upon written request by an interested party, the division shall provide a copy of the minimum well site restoration requirements established by the division.23. If any person disagrees with the results of the inspection and the evaluation and desires a reconsideration of the minimum well site restoration requirements established by the division, such person may submit a request to the board for a hearing and order to modify the requirements.24. The board, after proper notice and hearing, may issue an order modifying the minimum well site restoration requirements established by the division.25. The minimum well site restoration requirements established by the division or by board order shall be considered part of any permit granted by the division to conduct operations at a well site, and the inability of the operator to meet such requirements shall be considered grounds for forfeiture of the bond.26. If the minimum well site restoration requirements suggest to the division that bond coverage for a well should be increased, the division shall take action as stated in R649-3-1.Utah Admin. Code R649-3-34
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-15, effective 7/27/2020