Utah Admin. Code 649-10-2

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R649-10-2 - Commencement of Informal Adjudicativ Proceedings
1. Except for emergency orders, any informal adjudicative proceeding shall be commenced by:
1.1. A Notice of Agency Action, if proceedings are commenced by the board or division; or
1.2. A Request for Agency Action, if proceedings are commenced by persons other than the board or division.
2. A Notice of Agency Action shall be filed and served according to the following requirements:
2.1. The Notice of Agency Action shall be in writing and shall be signed by a presiding officer and shall include:
2.1.1. The names and mailing addresses of any person to whom notice is being given by the presiding officer, and the name, title, and mailing address of any attorney or employee who has been designated to appear for the agency.
2.1.2. The division's file number or other reference number.
2.1.3. The name of the adjudicative proceeding.
2.1.4. The date that the Notice of Agency Action was mailed.
2.1.5. A statement that the adjudicative proceeding is to be conducted informally according to the provision of this rule and Sections 63G-4-202 and 63G-4-203 if applicable.
2.1.6. A statement that the parties may request an informal hearing before the division within ten days, or such later period as may be provided for in Title R649, of the date of mailing or publication.
2.1.7. A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the adjudicative proceeding is to be maintained.
2.1.8. The name, title, mailing address, and telephone number of the presiding officer.
2.1.9. A statement of the purpose of the adjudicative proceeding and, to the extent known by the presiding officer, the questions to be decided.
2.2. The Division shall:
2.2.1. Mail the Notice of Agency Action to each party and any other person who has a right to notice under statute or rule.
2.2.2. Publish the Notice of Agency Action as required by statute or by Title R649.
2.2.3. Post a copy of the notice in a public area in the main office of the division at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled agency proceeding.
2.3. A Request for Agency Action initiated by a person other than the board or the division shall be in writing and signed by the person seeking action by the agency or by his representative, and shall include:
2.3.1. The names and addresses of any persons to whom a copy of the request for agency action is being sent.
2.3.2. The agency's file number or other reference number, if known.
2.3.3. The date that the request for agency action was mailed.
2.3.4. A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the agency action is requested.
2.3.5. A statement of the relief or action sought from the division.
2.3.6. A statement of the facts and reasons forming the basis for relief or action.
2.4. The person requesting agency action shall file the request with the division and shall send a copy by mail to each person known to have a direct interest in the requested agency action unless previously waived in writing by each person entitled to receive notice of the requested agency action.
2.5. The person requesting the agency action may use the division forms as specified in Title R649 as a request for agency action.
2.6. The presiding officer shall promptly review a Request for Agency Action and shall:
2.6.1. Notify the requesting party in writing whether the request is granted and when the adjudicative proceeding is completed;
2.6.2. Notify the requesting party in writing that the request is denied; or
2.6.3. Notify the requesting party that further proceedings are required to determine the agency's response to the request.
2.7. The division shall mail any required notice to any parties, except that any notice required by Subsection 2.6 may be published when publication is required by statute.
2.7.1. Give the division's file number or other reference number.
2.7.2. Give the name of the proceeding.
2.7.3. Designate that the proceeding is to be conducted informally according to this rule and Sections 63G-4-202 and 63G-4-203 if applicable.
2.7.4. If a hearing is to be held in an informal adjudicative proceeding, state the time and place of any scheduled hearing, the purpose for which the hearing is to be held, and that a party who fails to attend or participate in a scheduled and noticed hearing may be held in default.
2.7.5. If the adjudicative proceeding is to be informal, and a hearing is required by statute or rule, or if a hearing is permitted by rule and may be requested by a party with the time prescribed by rule, state the parties' right to request a hearing and the time within which a hearing may be requested under the agency's rules.
2.7.6. Give the name, title, mailing address, and telephone number of the presiding officer.

Utah Admin. Code R649-10-2

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2021-12, effective 5/27/2021