Utah Admin. Code 547-6-3

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R547-6-3 - Administration and Organization
(1) Section 80-5-701 establishes a Youth Parole Authority within the division. The authority has statutory responsibility for parole release, rescission, revocation, and termination of parole for juvenile offenders committed to the division for secure confinement.
(2) The members of the authority shall elect the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the authority by majority vote for terms of one year. A second vice-chairperson shall be designated by the authority members present at hearings when the chairperson and vice-chairperson are absent.
(3) The duties of the chairperson are as follows:
(a) to preside at meetings and hearings, and in the chairperson's absence the first vice-chairperson shall act, in the absence of the chairperson and first vice-chairperson, the second vice-chairperson shall preside at the meeting or hearing;
(ii) to act as official spokesperson for the authority with the concurrence of the authority; and
(iii) to work closely with the administrative officer in the administration of the authority and in coordination with the division.
(4) Any member of the authority may be removed from office for cause.
(5) The division director shall ensure that time is available for division members to participate in training and administrative meetings related to authority and division matters.
(6) The authority shall establish policies and procedures for its governance, meetings, hearings, the conduct of proceedings before it, the parole of juvenile offenders, and the general conditions under which parole may be granted, rescinded, revoked, modified, and terminated.
(7) The authority's policies and procedures are subject to the approval of the division director.
(8) The policy and procedures manual of the authority will be readily available to juvenile offenders, parolees, staff and the public.
(9) A case file shall be maintained on each juvenile offender that comes before the authority. Materials in the case files are clearly identified as to source, verification and confidentiality pursuant to the Government Records Access and Management Act.
(10) The authority shall only proceed with revocation and rescission processes in accordance with the system of appropriate responses, which shall be developed by the division.

Utah Admin. Code R547-6-3

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2022-06, effective 3/4/2022