Utah Admin. Code 547-13-15

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R547-13-15 - Detention Risk Assessment Tool
(1) A m inor who meets the detention admission guidelines shall receive the Detention Risk Assessment Tool (DRAT) to inform placement decisions. A m inor that scores below the cutoff on the DRAT will be diverted and not admitted to locked detention.
(2) A minor and parent or guardian will sign an Alternative to Detention Contract (ADC) before leaving detention. If the parent or guardian is unavailable, the minor will sign the ADC and be transported to the local Youth Services Center.
(3) Division staff will create a supervision plan based on the minor's recent behavior in the community, school, and home. The level of supervision may include the following based on the current needs:
(a) parent or guardian restrictions;
(b) division staff supervision; and
(c) youth services crisis residential.
(4) A minor and parent or guardian will sign an agreement to appear at meetings with probation and the Juvenile Court, and the minor's behavior and compliance with the agreement will be reported to the Juvenile Court.

Utah Admin. Code R547-13-15

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-16, effective 7/28/2020
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-05, effective 2/27/2024
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-13, effective 6/24/2024