Utah Admin. Code 523-2-8

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R523-2-8 - Formula for Allocation of Medicaid Match Funds
(1) The Division shall obtain the following data from the Utah Department of Health:
(a) the number of eligible Medicaid recipients in each county, for each month of the previous state fiscal year hereinafter called Medicaid Member Months; and
(b) the actuarially established rates for each county;
(2) The Division shall calculate county need for Medicaid match funds by multiplying each county's total Medicaid Member Months by their corresponding actuarial rates for the most current 12 month period.
(3) The Division shall sum all county need to determine the state Medicaid match need.
(4) The percent of total Medicaid match funds for each local authority shall be determined by dividing the sum of county need by the state Medicaid match need.
(5) LMHAs and LSAAs that do not participate in the Medicaid prospective payment-capitation plan shall receive the amount of funds they would have received if the funds had been distributed using state population.
(6) Each LMHA and LSAA shall provide funding from tax revenues assessed by the County legislative body equal to at least 20% of the Medicaid match funds, and:
(a) if a LMHA or LSAA is unable to provide the required matching funds, the LMHA or LSAA shall be allocated the amount the LMHA or LSAA can match; and
(b) excess funds may be allocated on a one-time basis to local authorities with the ability to provide matching funds.

Utah Admin. Code R523-2-8

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-2, effective 12/22/2015
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2021-06, effective 2/26/2021