Utah Admin. Code 512-60-7

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R512-60-7 - Funding Limitations and Requirements
(1) Funding for individual projects shall be recommended by the council and approved by Child and Family Services based on availability of funds and identified prevention priorities, with consideration for programs or projects that serve the largest portion of the population, serve segments of the population at highest risk for abuse and neglect, or are of exceptional merit as evidence-based or evidence-informed in prevention of abuse or neglect. Contracts may be renewed according to the terms of the procurement.
(2) Each program or project funded through the CA shall provide a dollar-for-dollar match from private or local government sources.
(a) In-kind contributions may be used as part of the local match requirement. No more than 50 % of the local match requirement may be in-kind. The entity that receives the statewide evaluation contract is excepted from the cash-match contained in Section 62A-4a-309. Upon recommendation of the director and the council, Child and Family Services may reduce or waive the match requirements for an entity, if Child and Family Services determines that imposing the requirements would prohibit or limit services needed in a particular geographic area per Section 62A-4a-309.
(b) Items that may be used as in-kind match are contributed services of support personnel, office space, furniture and equipment, utility costs, vehicles, contributed services of professional personnel including physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists, educators, public accountants, and lawyers who are performing services for which they would normally be paid. The source of original funding for this in-kind match shall not be state or federal monies.

Utah Admin. Code R512-60-7

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-16, effective 7/22/2016
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2022-07, effective 3/11/2022