Utah Admin. Code 512-302-5

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R512-302-5 - Child and Family Services' Roles and Responsibilities to a Caregiver for a Child Receiving Out-of-Home Services
(1) Child and Family Services shall actively seek the involvement of the caregiver in the Child and Family Team process, including participation in the Child and Family Team, completing an assessment, and developing the Child and Family Plan as described in Rule R512-300.
(2) The Child and Family Plan shall include steps for monitoring the placement and a plan for worker visitation and supports to the caregiver for a child placed in Utah or out of state.
(3) In accordance with Section 62A-4a-205, additional weight and attention shall be given to the input of the child's caregiver in plan development.
(4) The caregiver shall be provided a copy of the completed child and family plan.
(5) The caregiver has a right to reasonable notice and may participate in court and administrative reviews for the child in accordance with Sections 80-3-104 and 80-3-201.
(6) Child and Family Services shall provide support to the caregiver to ensure that the child's needs are met, and to prevent unnecessary placement disruption.
(7) Options for temporary relief may include paid respite, non-paid respite, childcare, and babysitting.
(8) The worker shall provide the caregiver with a portable, permanent record that provides available educational, social, and medical history information for the child and that preserves vital information about the child's life events and activities while receiving out-of-home services.

Utah Admin. Code R512-302-5

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2022-07, effective 3/11/2022