(1) Financial assistance to housing sponsors. UHC may provide financial assistance to a housing sponsor for financing the construction, development, rehabilitation, purchase or operations of residential housing.
(a) UHC shall determine that the project proposed by the housing sponsor increases or maintains the supply of affordable, well-planned, well-designed, permanent, temporary transitional or emergency housing for low and moderate income persons.(b) The housing sponsor shall agree to provide a specified number of units of residential housing for persons whose income does not exceed the maximum income limits established by UHC. UHC's president may establish income limits of UHC's housing development programs and such limits shall not exceed 140% of area or state median income as determined and published by HUD. UHC shall incorporate the income limits in associated Program Documents and shall make information concerning the limits available to all interested persons. Income limits may vary based on several factors including program, household size, county, targeted area, source and availability of funds, and risk to UHC. UHC may require that the income limits for a project be lower than the maximum income limits.
(c) The amount of the financial assistance shall not exceed the amount required to achieve financial feasibility in providing affordable housing for the intended occupants of the residential housing development.(d) In determining the amount of financial assistance, UHC shall determine that the costs, including developer fees and reserves, incurred by the housing sponsor with respect to a residential housing development, are not excessively greater than similar housing developments.(e) The housing sponsor shall agree to the controls and procedures required by UHC to ensure that the financial assistance is used only for the approved purposes.(f) The housing sponsor shall agree to the continued availability and affordability of the residential housing to low and moderate income persons, pursuant to an enforceable covenant running with the land which is prepared by UHC and recorded with the real estate records of the county in which the residential housing is located.(g) UHC shall determine that the housing sponsor has the necessary competence, experience and financial capability to complete or operate the residential housing development through an internal review of a sponsor's previous projects or through interviews of individuals involved with the sponsor in previous projects.(h) UHC shall require security for any loan in a form and amount as UHC determines is reasonably necessary to secure repayment. The security shall include a lien on the project property and may also include an irrevocable letter of credit, personal guarantees, security interests in unrelated real or personal property of the developer, assignments of contract rights and interests related to proposed development of the project, or power of attorney to replace manager, general partner or other principals of the developer. The lien on the project property may be subordinate to other financing of the project. Loans to non-profit or governmental entities are not required to be secured by personal guarantees.(i) If UHC makes a loan that is funded by or subject to any federal or state program, the terms of the loan shall be consistent with the requirements of the applicable program, notwithstanding any inconsistency with this rule.(j) In this rule, the "amount of financial assistance" means the principal amount of the loan together with the benefit of loan terms that are not typically available in the market, such as low, or no, interest rate, a long maturity date or a deferred, or no, amortization period.