Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R414-304-7 - Aged, Blind and Disabled Non-Institutional and Institutional Medicaid Earned Income Provisions(1) The Department adopts and incorporates by reference 42 CFR 435.811 and 435.831, October 1, 2012 ed., and 20 CFR 416.1110 through 416.1112, April 1, 2012 ed. The Department may not count as income any payments from sources that federal laws specifically prohibit from being counted as income to determine eligibility for federally-funded medical assistance programs.(2) If an SSI recipient has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the (SSA), the eligibility agency may not count income set aside in the plan that allows the individual to purchase work-related equipment or meet self-support goals. This income may include earned and unearned income.(3) The eligibility agency may not deduct from income expenses relating to the fulfillment of a plan to achieve self-support.(4) For Aged, Blind and Disabled Medicaid, the eligibility agency may not count earned income used to compute a needs-based grant.(5) For aged, blind and disabled Institutional Medicaid, the eligibility agency shall deduct $125 from earned income before it determines contribution towards cost of care.(6) The eligibility agency shall include capital gains in the gross income from self-employment.(7) To determine countable net income from self-employment, the eligibility agency shall allow a 40% flat rate exclusion off the gross self-employment income as a deduction for business expenses. For a self-employed individual who has allowable business expenses greater than the 40% flat rate exclusion amount and who also provides verification of the expenses, the eligibility agency shall calculate the self-employment net profit amount by using the deductions that are allowed under federal income tax rules.(8) The eligibility agency may not allow deductions for the following business expenses: (a) transportation to and from work;(b) payments on the principal for business resources;(c) net losses from previous tax years;(e) money set aside for retirement; and(f) work-related personal expenses.(9) The eligibility agency may deduct net losses of self-employment from the current tax year from other earned income.(10) The eligibility agency shall disregard earned income paid by the U.S. Census Bureau to temporary census takers to prepare for and conduct the census, for individuals defined in 42 CFR 435.120, 435.122, 435.130 through 435.135, 435.137, 435.138, 435.139, 435.211, 435.320, 435.322, 435.324, 435.340, 435.350 and 435.541. The eligibility agency shall also exclude this income for individuals described in Subsections 1634(b), (c) and (d), 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(II), 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(X), 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XIII) and 1902(a)(10)(E)(i) through (iv) of Title XIX of the Social Security Act. The eligibility agency may not exclude earnings paid to temporary census takers from the post-eligibility process of determining the person's cost of care contribution for long-term care recipients.(11) The eligibility agency shall count deductions from earned income that include insurance premiums, savings, garnishments, or deferred income in the month when the client could receive the funds.Utah Admin. Code R414-304-7