Utah Admin. Code 402-2-3

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R402-2-3 - Council Membership and Terms
(1) One representative from each of the following entities serves continuously as a voting member:
(a) the Governor's Office;
(b) the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, this includes:
(i) Title V -- Office of Maternal and Child Health;
(ii) Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities-Part C;
(iii) Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems Program;
(iv) Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV);
(v) Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC);
(vi) Oral Health Program;
(vii) Division of Child and Family Services;
(viii) Office of Substance Use and Mental Health; and
(ix) any other Department of Health and Human Services agency as determined by the Early Childhood Utah Council, Executive Committee;
(c) the Utah Department of Workforce Services, this includes:
(i) Office of Child Care Administrator; and
(ii) State Director of Head Start Collaboration;
(d) the Utah State Board of Education, this includes;
(i) Program for Children with Disabilities Part B; and
(ii) McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act; and
(e) up to two representatives from Head Start agencies located in the State, this includes:
(i) migrant and seasonal Head Start programs; and
(ii) Indian Head Start programs;
(2) One representative chosen by the executive committee from each of the following groups shall serve as a voting member for a period of 3 years, unless otherwise indicated:
(a) up to two public or private primary health care industry representatives;
(b) up to two providers from the mental health service community;
(c) each subcommittee chair;
(d) local education agency;
(e) institution of higher education;
(f) local health department;
(g) local provider of early childhood education and development services, such as a child care provider, pre-school provider, or similar provider;
(h) family engagement stakeholder;
(i) parent with at least one child between the ages 0-8; and
(j) specialized services provider or related organizations, such as organizations that provide specialized services for children.
(3) Each subcommittee chair shall serve a term of one year as a voting member of the council.
(4) Members shall actively participate to address the purpose of the council.
(5) The council expects members to attend all council meetings. If any voting member misses three or more scheduled council meetings in a year, the chair and chair elect may remove the individual for replacement by the assigning entity.
(6) The executive committee expects the members to attend all executive committee meetings. If any voting member misses three or more scheduled meetings in a year, the executive committee may remove the voting member from their position with a majority vote.
(7) Participants from organizations, agencies, and the public that are not voting members may attend the meetings, provide input, and participate in subcommittees. Other participants may vote in subcommittee meetings but may not vote in general council meetings.

Utah Admin. Code R402-2-3

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-01, effective 12/28/2023