Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R392-302-23 - Filtration(1) The manager shall ensure that a filter system:(a) has a way to isolate each individual filter for backwashing or other service; and(b) is designed to allow the pool operator to easily observe the discharged filter backwash water to determine if the filter system is clean.(2) The manager shall ensure that a pool uses one of the following filters: (a) a rapid rate sand filter;(b) a high-rate sand filter;(d) a cartridge filter; or(e) another filter type deemed equivalent by the local health officer.(3) The manager shall ensure that each filter complies with the standard NSF/ANSI 50-2015, which is incorporated by reference.(4) The manager shall ensure that a gravity and pressure rapid rate sand filter system is: (a) designed for a filter media rate of three gallons, or less, per minute per square foot of bed area at time of maximum head loss;(b) equipped with a filter bed surface area that is sufficient to meet the design rate of flow required by Section R392-302-19, Table 1, for required turnover;(c) equipped with either an influent pressure gauge, vacuum gauge, or compound gauge, as determined by the filter type, to show the condition of each filter;(d) equipped with an air-relief valve at or near the high point of the filter or piping system; and(e) designed with necessary valves and piping to allow: (i) filtering of pool water;(ii) individual backwashing of each filter:(A) to a system as required in Subsection R392-302-7(1)(d); and(B) at a minimum flow rate of 15 gallons per minute per square foot of filter area;(iii) isolation of each individual filter;(iv) complete drainage of the filtration system; and(v) convenient maintenance, operation, and inspection.(5) The manager shall ensure that a pressure rapid rate sand filter system is provided with an access opening of at least a standard size 11 inch, by 15 inch manhole with a cover.(6) The manager shall ensure that each high-rate sand filter system is:(a) designed with:(i) a minimum filter media rate of 13 gallons per minute per square foot of bed area; and(ii) a maximum filter media rate of 18 gallons per minute per square foot of bed area;(b) equipped with: (i) a filter bed area sufficient to meet the design flow rate required by Section R392-302-19, Table 1, for required turnover;(ii) an influent pressure gauge to show the condition of the filter; and(iii) an air-relief valve at or near the high point of the filter; and(c) installed in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations for each system component.(7) The local health officer may reduce the minimum filter media rate as required in Subsection (5)(a)(i) to a rate as low as ten gallons per minute per square foot of bed area where: (a) more than one high-rate sand filter is installed and operating;(b) the filter system includes a valve downstream of the filters that is designed to regulate the backwash flow rate; and(c) adequate backwash flow is maintained through each filter according to the manufacturer's requirements.(8) The manager shall ensure that each precoat filter system is:(a) designed with:(i) a filtering area that is compatible with the design pump capacity as required by Subsection R392-302-19(1)(m); (ii) a filter media rate that: (A) is a maximum of two gallons per minute per square foot of effective filtering surface without continuous precoat media feed; or(B) is a maximum of 2-1/2 gallons per minute per square foot with continuous precoat media feed;(b) equipped with a feeder device that feeds precoat media: (i) accurate to within 10%;(ii) continuously within a calibrated range that is adjustable from two to six milligrams per liter; and(iii) at the design capacity of the circulation pump;(c) designed and constructed with materials that will withstand normal continuous use without significant deformation or deterioration that could adversely affect filter operations;(d) supplied with potable water delivered through an air gap as required in Section R392-302-6;(e) equipped with: (i) an influent pressure gauge, vacuum gauge, or a compound gauge to show the condition of the filter; and(ii) an air-relief valve at or near the high point of the filter or piping system; and(f) designed to facilitate: (i) cleaning by one or more of the following methods:(B) air-bump-assist backwashing;(C) automatic or manual water spray; or(ii) complete and rapid draining of the filter system.(9) If fabric is used, the manager shall ensure that filtration area is determined based on effective filtering surfaces.(10) The manager shall ensure that:(a) diatomaceous earth filter backwash water is discharged as required in Subsection R392-302-7(1)(d) through a separation tank that has a sign that meets the requirements of a two-inch safety sign described in Subsection R392-302-32(1), warning the user not to start up the filter pump without first opening the air-relief valve; and(b) personal protective equipment suitable for preventing inhalation of diatomaceous earth or other filter aid material is provided for pool operator use;(11) In vacuum filter system installations where the circulating pump is rated at two horsepower or higher, the manager shall ensure that an adjustable high vacuum automatic shut-off device is provided to prevent damage to the pump.(12) The local health officer may: (a) exempt a pool from the requirement in Subsection (3) for precoat filters if the precoat filter elements are easily accessible for cleaning by hand hosing after each filter backwash cycle;(b) approve site-built or custom-built vacuum precoat filters if the precoat filter elements are easily accessible for cleaning by hand hosing after each filter backwash cycle if it complies with the design requirements in Subsection (7); and(c) approve any design that provides equivalent cleaning of precoat filter elements.(13) The manager shall ensure that each hose bib is equipped with a vacuum breaker listed by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, IAPMO, the American Society of Sanitary Engineering, A.S.S.E., or other nationally recognized standard.(14) The manager shall ensure that a cartridge filter system is:(a) designed and constructed with:(i) sufficient filter area to meet the design pump capacity as required by Section R392-302-19, Table 1;(ii) a maximum filter media rate of 0.375 gallons per minute per square foot of effective filter area; and(iii) materials that will withstand normal continuous use without significant deformation or deterioration that could adversely affect filter operations such as polyester fiber;(b) equipped with (i) an influent pressure gauge, vacuum gauge, or compound gauge to show the condition of the filter; and(ii) an air-relief valve at or near the high point of the filter system; and(c) cleaned in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.Utah Admin. Code R392-302-23
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2017-12, effective 6/1/2017Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2018-12, effective 5/24/2018Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-05, effective 2/26/2020Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-16, effective 8/10/2020Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-17, effective 8/21/2023