Utah Admin. Code 392-302-19

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R392-302-19 - Circulation Systems
(1) The manager shall ensure that:
(a) a circulation system is provided and in continuous operation;
(b) when the pool is open for bathing, the normal waterline of the pool is maintained to promote continuous skimming for any surge condition;
(c) when an overflow gutter system is used the water is maintained at the overflow rim of the gutter;
(d) when a skimmer is used the water is maintained at the midpoint of the skimmer opening;
(e) the circulation system meets the minimum turnover time listed in Table 1;
(f) if a single pool circulation system incorporates more than one of the pool types listed in Table 1:
(i) the entire pool circulation system is designed with the shortest turnover rate required in Table 1 for the incorporated pool types; or
(ii) the pool circulation system is designed with multiple circulation zones that each meet the recirculation flow rate required in Table 1;
(g) the circulation equipment is operated continuously except for periods of maintenance;
(h) a rate-of-flow indicator, reading in gallons per minute, is:
(i) functioning; and
(ii) properly installed:
(A) according to manufacturer recommendations; and
(B) in a place and position where it can be easily read by authorized personnel;
(i) the area housing the circulation equipment, the pump room, is designed and maintained:
(i) according to manufacturer recommendations;
(ii) with adequate working space for equipment maintenance including disassembly removal, and replacement;
(iii) protected from environmental conditions including UV radiation; and
(iv) secured from unauthorized personnel;
(j) each circulation pipe is regulated to control the circulation system flow with one or more valves that are located to be easily accessible for maintenance or replacement;
(k) written operational instructions for circulation equipment are available to the local health officer upon request;
(l) circulation equipment including multiport valves, if used, comply with NSF/ANSI 50-2015, which is incorporated by reference; and
(m) each pump or series of pumps used for pool water circulation under normal operating conditions:
(i) have adequate capacity to provide the minimum turnover rate specified in Table 1;
(ii) are capable of providing flow adequate for the backwashing of filters; and
(iii) are capable of maintaining the required minimum circulation flow rate at a dynamic head that includes, in addition to fitting and friction losses:
(A) except as described in Subsection R392-302-20(4)(b), an additional of 15 feet of head for pool inlet orifices; and
(B) an additional 15 feet of head for rapid sand filters, vacuum precoat media filters or vacuum cartridge filters; or
(C) an additional 40 feet of head for pressure precoat media filters, high-rate sand filters, or cartridge filters.
(2) A variable speed pump is permitted for pool water circulation if the manager ensures that the minimum circulation flow rate in the approved design and the minimum turnover rate required in Table 1 is maintained, and the requirements of Section R392-302-25 are met.
(3) The manager shall ensure that:
(a) piping is:
(i) made of non-toxic material;
(ii) resistant to corrosion;
(iii) able to withstand normal operating pressures;
(iv) identified by a color code or label; and
(v) maintained in good condition; and
(b) the maximum water velocity in:
(i) discharge piping is ten feet per second, except for copper pipe where the maximum velocity for discharge piping is eight feet per second; and
(ii) suction piping is six feet per second.
(4) The manager shall ensure that the circulation system includes a pump strainer that:
(a) prevents hair, lint, and other debris from reaching the pump;
(b) is corrosion-resistant;
(c) has openings not more than 1/8 inch in size;
(d) provides a free flow capacity of at least four times the area of the pump suction line;
(e) is easily accessible for frequent cleaning;
(f) is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition; and
(g) is provided with necessary valves to facilitate cleaning of the system without excessive flooding.
(5) The manager shall ensure that a pool facility has a vacuum-cleaning system that:
(a) facilitates access to any area of the pool through hoses less than 50 feet in length;
(b) except for a vacuum system operated from a skimmer, includes one or more vacuum connections located in the pool wall, at least eight inches below the water line for any vacuum system that is an integral part of the circulation system; and
(c) each dedicated vacuum connection located in a pool wall, as described in Subsection (5)(b), has a finish fitting that is installed such that tools are necessary to open and close the fitting.
(6) The manager shall ensure that pool water boilers and pressure vessels:
(a) meet the requirements of Rule R616-2;
(b) have a fixed thermometer mounted in the pool circulation line downstream from the heater outlet; and
(c) are provided with a heatsink as required by the manufacturer's instructions.
(7) The manager shall ensure that pool water heat exchangers:
(a) have a fixed thermometer mounted in the pool circulation line downstream from the heater outlet; and
(b) are provided with a heatsink as required by manufacturer's instructions.
(8) The manager shall ensure that each air induction system is designed and maintained to prevent:
(a) any possibility of water backup that could cause electrical shock hazards;
(b) an air intake from introducing contaminants such as noxious chemicals, fumes, deck water, dirt, or other debris into the pool; and
(c) the circulation line of a jet system or other form of water agitation from connecting to the pool water circulation, filtration, or heating system.
(9) Notwithstanding Subsection R392-302-4(1), the manager shall ensure that by January 31, 2023 each chemical feed system includes two layers of interlocking protection for a low or no flow condition so that the operation of any chemical feeder is dependent upon the operational flow of the main circulation system and:
(a) the functionality of the interlocking mechanism is verified and documented to the local health department; and
(b) the interlocking mechanism is accomplished through an electrical interlock consisting of:
(i) a flow meter or flow switch at the chemical controller if a controller is being used; and
(ii) each chemical feeder is wired electrically to the circulation system by use of a differential pressure switch, a pump power monitor, or other suitable means.
(10) The local health officer may require the manager to demonstrate that the circulation system is performing in accordance with the approved design.
(11) The local health officer may reduce the head loss requirement for pool inlet orifices as described in Subsection (1)(l)(iii) if the manager can demonstrate that at least a six to one pressure ratio from the pool inlet orifice to the return loop is maintained.



Pool Type

Minimum Number of Wall Inlets

Minimum Number of Skimmers per 3,500 square feet of surface area or less

Minimum Turnover Rate


Swimming pool

One per ten linear feet of perimeter or fraction thereof

One per 500 square feet of surface area

Six hours

3. Wading pool

One per 20 linear feet of perimeter, or fraction thereof, with a minimum of two equally spaced

One per 500 square feet of surface area

One hour

4. Spa pool

One per 20 linear feet or fraction thereof

One per 100 square feet of surface area

1/2 hour

5. Wave pool

One per ten linear feet or fraction thereof

One per 500 square feet of surface area

Six hours

6. Splash pool

One per ten linear feet or fraction thereof

One per 500 square feet of surface area

One hour

7. Vehicle slide

One per ten linear feet or fraction thereof

One per 500 square feet of surface area

One hour

8. Special purpose pool

One per ten linear feet or fraction thereof

One per 500 square feet of surface area

One hour

Utah Admin. Code R392-302-19

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2017-12, effective 6/1/2017
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2018-12, effective 5/24/2018
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-05, effective 2/26/2020
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2020-16, effective 8/10/2020
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-17, effective 8/21/2023