Utah Admin. Code 380-50-2

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R380-50-2 - Definitions
(1) "Department" means the Utah Department of Health and Human Services.
(2) "Funds" means the State General Block Funds Maternal and Child Health Block grant funds, Preventive Block grant funds, immunization funds, bioterrorism and emergency preparedness and response funds, and tobacco funds, allocated by the Legislature to the department for distribution to all participating local health departments by contract.
(3) "Local Health Department" means a local health department established under Subsection 26A-1-102(5).
(4) "Multi-county Factor" means funds allocated to local health departments to encourage them to form and maintain multi-county health departments.
(5) "Multi-county Health Department" means a local health department that is comprised of two or more contiguous counties as defined in Subsection 26A-1-102(7).
(6) "Participating local health department" means a local health department that accepts funds by contract from the department.
(7) "Total State Population" means the population figures by county as provided by the State Office of Planning and Budget.

Utah Admin. Code R380-50-2

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2018-15, effective 7/3/2018
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-04, effective 2/7/2024