Utah Admin. Code 317-100-3

Current through Bulletin 2024-23, December 1, 2024
Section R317-100-3 - Numeric Project Priority Ranking System
1. A priority number total for a project will be determined by adding the priority points from each of the four priority categories. Total Priority Points = Project Need for Reduction of Water Pollution + Potential for Improvement Factor + Existing Population Affected + Special Consideration. If two or more projects receive an equal number of priority points, such ties shall be broken using the following criteria:
a. The projects shall be ranked in order of the highest "Need for Reduction of Water Pollution."
b. If the tie cannot be broken on the basis of need, the projects shall be ranked in order of the "Potential for Improvement Factor."
c. If the tie cannot be broken on the basis of the above, the project serving the greatest population will be given priority.

All projects receive the highest applicable point level only.

1. A documented existing substantial health hazard will be eliminated by the project. This may include: (1) discharge of inadequately treated wastewater to an area of immediate public contact where inadequate operation and maintenance is not the primary cause of the condition; (2) an area where a substantial number of failing subsurface disposal systems are causing surfacing sewage in areas of human habitation. The elimination of existing substantial health hazards is of highest priority. The determination of the existence of substantial health hazards shall be based upon the investigation, report, and certification of the local health department and the State Division of Water Quality. Such reports and certifications will be forwarded to EPA with the Priority List. The health hazard designation will normally apply to unsewered communities experiencing widespread septic tank failures and surfacing sewage: 70 points.
2. A raw sewage discharge will be eliminated or prevented: 60 points.
3. The surface water quality standards identified in R317-2 are impaired by an existing discharge. For points to be allotted under this criterion the affected stream segment must be "water quality limited" according to a wasteload analysis and water quality standards. Water quality standards have been established for the waters of Utah according to designated beneficial use classifications. A stream segment is considered to be "water quality limited" if a higher level of treatment than that which is provided by state effluent limitations is required to meet water quality standards. A stream segment is "effluent limited" if water quality standards are met by state imposed effluent limitations: 50 points.
4. The ground water quality standards identified in R317-6 are impaired by an existing discharge. For points to be allotted under this criterion the affected ground water must be impaired according to the numerical criteria outlined in the ground water protection levels established for Class I and II aquifers: 50 points.
5. Construction is needed to provide secondary treatment, or to meet the requirements of a Utah Pollution Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) Permit or Ground Water Discharge Permit, or the Federal Sludge Disposal Requirements: 50 points.
6. Documented water quality degradation is occurring, attributable to failing individual subsurface disposal systems where inadequate operation and maintenance is not the primary cause of the condition: 45 points.
7. Areas not qualifying as an existing substantial health hazard, but where it is evident that inadequate on-site conditions have resulted in the chronic failure of a significant number of individual subsurface disposal systems, causing an ongoing threat to public health or the environment. Points may be awarded in this category only when the Division of Water Quality determines that existing on-site limitations cannot be overcome through the use of approved subsurface disposal practices, or that the cost of upgrading or replacing failed systems to meet the minimum requirements of the local health department are determined to be excessive: 45 points.
8. Treatment plant loading has reached or exceeded 95 percent of design requirements needed to meet conditions of an UPDES Permit or needed to restore designated water use, or design requirements are projected to be exceeded within 5 years by the Division of Water Quality. Points will not be allocated under this criterion where excessive infiltration or inflow is the primary cause for the loading to the system to be at 95 percent or greater of design requirements: 40 points.
9. Existing facilities that do not meet the design requirements in R317-3. Points may be allocated under this category only if the design requirements that are not being met are determined to be fundamental to the ability of the facility to meet water quality standards: 40 points.
10. Interceptor sewers, collection systems, pump stations and treatment, where applicable, are needed to solve existing pollution, ground water, or public health concerns: 35 points.
a. Points may be awarded under this category only if they will primarily serve established residential areas and only if they are needed to solve existing pollution or public health problems.
b. Points shall not be awarded under this category where an interceptor is proposed for newly developing recreational communities, resorts, or unincorporated subdivisions.
c. Points may be awarded under this category when the majority of existing septic systems are located in defined well head protection zones or principal ground water recharge areas to Class I and II aquifers.
11. Interceptor sewers, collection systems, pump stations and treatment, where applicable, are needed to accomplish regionalization or eliminate existing treatment facilities. Points shall not be awarded under this category where an interceptor is proposed for newly developing recreational communities, resorts, or unincorporated subdivisions: 25 points.
12. Communities having future needs for wastewater facilities construction at existing wastewater systems, not included above, which are consistent with the goals of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act: 10 points.
13. Communities having future needs for new treatment plants and interceptors, not included above, which are consistent with the goals of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act: 5 points.

The PIF priority point sub-total is obtained by adding the points obtained in each of the four subcategories. Total PIF points = Classified Water Use + Discharge Standard Factor + Restoration from Water Quality Standard Violation + Estimated Improvement.

1. Classified Water Use. Priority points under this subcategory are allotted in accordance with segment designations listed in R317-2-13, Classifications of Waters of the State. Points are cumulative for segments classified for more than one beneficial use.
a. Protected as a raw water source of culinary water supply; R317-2-13 Use Classes: 1A, 1B, or 1C: 4 points.
b. Protected for primary contact recreation (swimming); R317-2-13: 2A: 4 points.
c. Protected for secondary contact recreation (water skiing, boating and similar uses); R317-2-13: 2B: 3 points.
d. Protected for cold water species of game fish and other cold water aquatic life, including the necessary aquatic organisms in their food chain; R317-2-13: 3A: 3 points.
e. Protected for warm water species of game fish and other warm water aquatic life, including the necessary aquatic organisms in the food chain; R317-2-13: 3B: 3 points.
f. Protected for non-game fish and other aquatic life, including the necessary aquatic organisms in their food chain; R317-2-13: 3C: 2 points.
g. Protected for waterfowl, shore birds and other water-oriented wildlife not included above, including the necessary aquatic organisms in their food chain; R317-2-13: 3D: 2 points.
h. Protected for agricultural, industrial, and "special" uses; R317-2-13: 4, 5, and 6: 1 point.
2. Discharge Standard Factor. Priority points are allotted as follows:
a. Project discharge standards are water quality based: 5 points.
b. Project must meet secondary effluent treatment standards: 2 points.
c. Project does not discharge to surface waters: 0 points.
3. Restoration from Water Quality Standard Violation.
a. Project WILL RESTORE Designated Water Use: 5 points.
b. Project WILL NOT RESTORE Designated Water Use: 0 points.
c. Points under this subcategory are assigned on the basis of whether appropriate water quality standard(s) can be restored if the respective project is constructed and any other water quality management controls are maintained at present levels. For a project to receive points under this subcategory, data from a State-approved waste load analysis must generally show that the designated water use is substantially impaired by the wastewater discharge and that the proposed project will likely restore the numerical water quality standards and designated use(s) identified in R317-2-12 and R317-2-14 for the waterbody.
d. Points may not be assigned under this subcategory if nonpoint source pollution levels negate water quality improvement from the proposed construction, if numerical standards or actual levels of pollutants being discharged are questionable, if serious consideration is being given to the redesignation of the stream segment to a lower classification, or if numerical standards for specific pollutants are inappropriately low for the classified water use.
4. Estimated Improvement in Stream Quality or Estimated Improvement in Environmental Quality including Presently Unsewered Communities and Sewered Communities with Raw Sewage Discharges. Points in this category shall be allocated based upon the judgment of the Division of Water Quality Staff and on the nature of the receiving water and surrounding watershed. Consideration shall be given to projects which discharge into Utah priority stream segments as identified in the biennial water quality report (305(b)). The criteria used to develop the Stream Segment Priority List may be used to evaluate projects on other streams not on the Stream Segment Priority List. These criteria include the existing use impairment, the overall index from a use impairment analysis, the potential for use impairment, the downstream use affected, the population affected, the amount of local interest and involvement toward improving the stream quality, the presence of endangered species, and the beneficial use classification. Activities within the watershed that are aimed at reducing point and nonpoint sources of pollution may also be considered in the allocation of points. In addition, the effect of a discharge or proposed change in a discharge on the chemical and biological quality of the receiving stream may be considered in the determination of points. Only those projects which will significantly improve water quality or environmental quality and will restore or protect the designated uses or eliminate public health hazards shall be given the maximum points allowable. Fewer points can be given in instances where some significant improvement will be achieved if a project is constructed.
a. The project is essential immediately, and must be constructed to protect public health or attain a high, measurable improvement in water quality: 20 points.
b. The project will likely result in a substantial level of improvement in water quality or public health protection: 10 points.
c. Some level of water quality improvement or public health protection would likely be provided by the construction of the project, but the effect has not yet been well established. Also, present facilities lack unit processes needed to meet required discharge standards: 5 points.
d. No significant improvement of water quality or public health protection would likely be achieved, at present, by a project: 0 points.

For sewered communities, priority points are based on the population served by a treatment facility. For unsewered areas, points are based on the population of the affected community.

1. Greater than 80,000: 10 points.
2. 40,000 - 80,000: 9 points.
3. 20,000 - 40,000: 8 points.
4. 10,000 - 20,000: 7 points.
5. 5,000 - 10,000: 6 points.
6. 4,000 - 5,000: 5 points.
7. 3,000 - 4,000: 4 points.
8. 2,000 - 3,000: 3 points.
9. 1,000 - 2,000: 2 points.
10. Less than 1,000: 1 point.
1. The proposed project is an interceptor sewer which is part of a larger regional plan and is necessary to maintain the financial, environmental or engineering integrity of that regionalization plan: 20 points, or
2. The project is needed to preserve high quality waters such as prime cold water fishery and anti- degradation segments: 20 points.
3. The proposed project will change the facility's sludge disposal practice from a non-beneficial use to a beneficial use method: 20 points.
4. The users of the proposed project are subject to a documented water conservation plan: 20 points.
5. The sponsor of the proposed project has completed and submitted the most recent Municipal Wastewater Planning Program (MWPP) questionnaire: 20 points.
6. The sponsor of the proposed project, or its member entities, is certified as meeting the requirements for a Quality Growth Community: 20 points.

Utah Admin. Code R317-100-3