(v) Aquifer Data for Existing Wells - A summary report including the calculated hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, transmissivity, hydraulic gradient, direction of groundwater flow, estimated effective porosity, and saturated thickness of the producing aquifer. The PWS shall obtain the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer from a constant-rate aquifer test using the existing pumping equipment. Aquifer tests using observation wells are encouraged but are not required. If a previously performed aquifer test is available and includes the required data described in Subsection R309-600-9(6)(v)(A) and Subsection R309-600-9(6)(v)(B), data from that test may be used instead. Estimated effective porosity must be between 1% and 30%. Clay layers shall not be included in calculations of aquifer thickness or estimated effective porosity. This report shall include graphs, data, or printouts showing the interpretation of the aquifer test. If a constant-rate aquifer test is not practical, then the PWS shall obtain hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer using another appropriate method, such as data from a nearby well in the same aquifer, specific capacity of the well, published hydrogeologic studies of the same aquifer, or local or regional groundwater models. A constant-rate test may not be practical for such reasons as insufficient drawdown in the well, inaccessibility of the well for water-level measurements, or insufficient overflow capacity for the pumped water.
The constant-rate test shall:
(A) Provide for continuous pumping for at least 24 hours or until stabilized drawdown has continued for at least six hours. Stabilized drawdown is achieved when there is less than one foot of change of groundwater level in the well within a six-hour period.(B) Provide data as described in Subsections R309-515-6(10)(b)(v) through (vii).