Utah Admin. Code 307-801-8

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R307-801-8 - Approval of Training Courses
(1) To obtain approval of a training course, the course provider shall provide a written application to the director that includes:
(a) The name, address, telephone number, and institutional affiliation of the person sponsoring the course;
(b) The course curriculum;
(c) A letter that clearly indicates how the course meets the Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) and R307-801 requirements for length of training in hours, amount and type of hands-on training, examinations (including length, format, example of examination or questions, and passing scores), and topics covered in the course;
(d) A copy of all course materials, including student manuals, instructor notebooks, handouts, etc.;
(e) The names and qualifications of all course instructors, including all academic credentials and field experience in asbestos abatement projects, inspections, project designs, management planning, or renovation projects;
(f) An example of numbered certificates issued to students who attend the course and pass the examination. The certificate shall include a unique certificate number; the name of the student; the name of the course completed; the dates of the course and the examination; an expiration date one year from the date the student completed the course and examination, or for the purposes of the renovator course, a progressive lengthening of the refresher training schedule of one year after the initial training, three years after the first refresher training, and five years after the second refresher training and all subsequent refresher training courses; the name, address, and telephone number of the training provider that issued the certificate; and a statement that the person receiving the certificate has completed the requisite training for TSCA or director accreditation;
(g) A written commitment from the training provider to teach the submitted training course(s) in Utah on a regular basis; and
(h) Payment of the appropriate fee.
(2) To maintain approval of a training course, the course provider shall:
(a) Provide training that meets the requirements of R307-801 and the MAP;
(b) Provide the director with the names, government-issued picture identification card number, and certificate numbers of all persons successfully completing the course within 30 working days of successful completion;
(c) Keep the records specified for training providers in the MAP for three years;
(d) Permit the director or authorized representative to attend, evaluate, and monitor any training course without receiving advance notice from the director and without charge to the director; and
(e) Notify the director of any new course instructor ten working days prior to the day the new instructor presents or teaches any course for Renovator or TSCA Accreditation purposes. The training notification form shall include:
(i) The name and qualifications of each course instructor, including appropriate academic credentials and field experience in asbestos abatement projects, inspections, management plans, project designs, or renovations; and
(ii) A list of the course(s) or specific topics that will be taught by the instructor.
(f) Submit the initial or refresher course materials required by R307-801-8(1) to the director for course re-accreditation in a time period not to exceed four years.
(3) All course providers that provide an AHERA or Renovator training course or refresher course in the state of Utah shall:
(a) Notify the director of the location, date, and time of the course at least ten working days before the first day of the course;
(b) Update the training notification form as soon as possible before, but no later than one day before the original course date if the course is rescheduled or canceled before the course is held; and
(c) Allow the director or authorized representative to conduct an audit of any course provided to determine whether the course provider meets the requirements of the MAP and of R307-801.
(4) Renovator Certification Course. The renovator certification course shall be a minimum of eight training hours, with a minimum of two hours devoted to hands-on training activities, and shall include an examination of at least 25 questions that the student shall pass with a 70% or greater proficiency rate. Instruction in the topics described in R307-801-8(4)(c), (d), and (e) shall be included in the hands-on portion of the course. The minimum curriculum requirements for the renovator certification course shall adequately address the following topics:
(a) The physical characteristics of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials, including identification of asbestos, aerodynamic characteristics, typical uses, physical appearance, a review of hazard assessment considerations, and a summary of renovation project control options;
(b) Potential health effects related to asbestos exposure, including the nature of asbestos-related diseases, routes of exposure, dose-response relationships and the lack of a safe exposure level, synergism between cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure, and latency period for diseases;
(c) Personal protective equipment, including selection of respirator and personal protective clothing, and handling of non-disposable clothing;
(d) State-of-the-art work practices, including proper work practices for renovation projects, including descriptions of proper construction and maintenance of barriers and decontamination enclosure systems, positioning of warning signs, lock-out of electrical and ventilation systems, proper working techniques for minimizing fiber release, use of wet methods, use of negative pressure exhaust ventilation equipment, use of HEPA vacuums, and proper clean-up and disposal procedures and state-of-the-art work practices for removal, encapsulation, enclosure, and repair of ACM, emergency procedures for unplanned releases, potential exposure situations, transport and disposal procedures, and recommended and prohibited work practices. New renovation project techniques and methodologies may be discussed;
(e) Personal hygiene, including entry and exit procedures for the work area, methods of decontamination, avoidance of eating, drinking, smoking, and chewing (gum or tobacco) in the work area, and methods to limit exposures to family members;
(f) Medical monitoring, including OSHA requirements for physical examinations, including a pulmonary function test, chest x-rays, and a medical history for each employee;
(g) Relevant federal and state regulatory requirements, procedures, and standards, including:
(i) OSHA standards for permissible exposure to airborne concentrations of asbestos fibers and respiratory protection (29 CFR 1910.134);
(ii) OSHA Asbestos Construction Standard (29 CFR 1926.1101); and
(iii) UAC R307-801 Utah Asbestos Rule.
(h) Recordkeeping and notification requirements for renovation projects including records and project notification forms required by state regulations and records recommended for legal and insurance purposes;
(i) Supervisory techniques for renovation projects, including supervisory practices to enforce and reinforce the required work practices and discourage unsafe work practices; and
(j) Course review, including a review of key aspects of the training course.
(5) Renovator Recertification Course. The renovator recertification course shall be a minimum of four hours, shall adequately address changes in the federal regulations, state administrative rules, state-of-the-art developments, appropriate work practices, employee personal protective equipment, recordkeeping, and notification requirements for renovation projects, and shall include a course review.

Utah Admin. Code R307-801-8

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-11, effective 5/5/2016