Utah Admin. Code 277-911-3

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R277-911-3 - CTE Program Approval and LEA CTE Program Annual Review or Initial Application Review
(1) The Superintendent shall forward to the Board a comprehensive list of proposed secondary CTE programs for the Board to approve as the approved programs.
(2) The Superintendent shall determine if a secondary CTE program offering shall be forwarded to the Board based upon needs in a specific area including:
(a) a program need supported by data, including:
(i) local, regional, state, and federal workforce projections;
(ii) advisory committee recommendations for a program or program update in the related program area;
(iii) a need for new or updated technical training and marketable job skills for the related program area; or
(iv) a need related to an industry upgrade or upskill specifications to keep a program current or relevant; and
(b) new or emerging economic need with occupational opportunities for a student in a program area with clear competencies.
(3) An LEA shall qualify for a funding disbursement pursuant to Section 53F-2-311 and this rule only for approved programs and subsequently be subject to the requirements for an annual review or application as described in Subsection (5).
(4) An LEA that implements an approved program and applies for a funding disbursement shall be provide all necessary materials required by the Superintendent to conduct an annual review or initial application review by May 1.
(5) The annual review or initial application review shall include:
(a) the LEA's Plan for College and Career Readiness consistent with Sections 53E-2-304 and R277-462-5;
(b) the LEA's results of an annual placement survey for grade 12 CTE pathway concentrators from the prior school year;
(c) adherence to current industry standards for each implemented CTE program including a demonstration of the industry standards being reflected in:
(i) available resources for the program; and
(ii) program instructional materials including:
(A) textbooks;
(B) reference materials; and
(C) additional media.
(d) a demonstration the LEA:
(i) used curricula and instruction that is directly related to business and industry validated competencies;
(ii) provided approved certification opportunities for students enrolled in each CTE program to verify successful completion of competencies;
(iii) provided instruction in proper and safe use of equipment required within each CTE program and maintained a local safety plan;
(iv) provided and safely maintained equipment and facilities, consistent with the validated competencies identified in:
(A) the instruction standard for the CTE program;
(B) state risk management; and
(C) other applicable state and federal laws;
(v) employed instructional staff in each CTE program that:
(A) holds a valid Utah teaching licenses with appropriate endorsements pursuant to Rule R277-301 for the CTE program; and
(B) maintains technical and professional skills current through professional learning, business and industry partnerships to ensure that students are provided current industry standard programs.
(vi) conducted a local needs assessment with stakeholder engagement;
(vii) performed an annual CTE program self-evaluation by the CTE director;
(viii) conducted CTE programs consistent with Board policies and state and federal laws pertaining to CTE program access that prohibit discrimination as required by law; and
(ix) established an active advisory committee to inform CTE programs annually as described in Subsection (6); and
(e) any other requirements identified by the Superintendent.
(6) An LEA implementing an approved program shall:
(a) create an advisory committee that includes education and industry stakeholders which may serve several LEAs or a region; or
(b) utilize an existing advisory committee created by an LEA that is implementing an approved CTE program.
(7) An advisory committee described in Subsection (6) shall review and make recommendations to an LEA that is implementing an approved CTE program regarding:
(a) program offerings;
(b) quality of programs;
(c) equipment needs; and
(d) work-based learning opportunities.
(8) An LEA may make the LEA's CTE leadership opportunities available through Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSOs) for each career cluster offered by the LEA.

Utah Admin. Code R277-911-3

Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-17, effective 8/11/2016
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2017-17, effective 8/7/2017
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-01, effective 12/22/2022