Utah Admin. Code 277-323-3

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R277-323-3 - School District Educator Evaluation Systems
(1) A local board shall adopt a district educator evaluation system in consultation with a joint committee established by the local board as required by Section 53G-11-506.
(2) A local board shall review and approve its educator evaluation system in an open meeting.
(3) A district educator evaluation system shall:
(a) evaluate educators based on the Utah Effective Educator Standards;
(b) include a description of school district processes for gathering, using, and protecting individual educator evaluation data;
(c) include valid and reliable methods and tools to implement an evaluation;
(d) include a systematic process for evaluating all educators holding an educator license during an evaluation cycle of up to four years;
(e) include a summative evaluation rating consistent with this Rule R277-323; and
(f) take into account multiple inputs as required by Section 53G-11-507, including:
(i) self-evaluation of performance in relation to the Utah Effective Educator Standards;
(ii) student and parent input;
(iii) for administrators, feedback from teachers, including input on the effectiveness of evaluating employee performance in a school or school district for which the administrator has responsibility;
(iv) results of multiple observations done with tools aligned to the Utah Effective Educator Standards;
(v) evidence of student academic growth, as specified by the school district; and
(vi) other indicators of professional improvement as specified by the school district.
(4) A school district may use an evaluation cycle extending up to four years, which includes:
(a) a summative evaluation at least once every four years; and
(b) annual formative assessment measures, including:
(i) at least one observation conducted by an administrator;
(ii) additional observations, with feedback, which may be provided by a peer, mentor, instructional coach, administrator or other professional designated by the district; and
(iii) a planned ongoing process for the educator to engage in reflection and growth related to the Utah Effective Teaching Standards.
(5) A school district may not use year-end state testing data in determining an educator's summative evaluation rating.
(6) A school district may not use data from a student who is chronically absent in determining an educator's summative evaluation rating.
(7) A school district shall align its employee compensation system, with the district's educator evaluation system in accordance with Subsection 53G-11-518(1).
(8) To form the school district's educator evaluation system, a local school board may adopt:
(a) the Utah Model Educator Evaluation System approved by the Board;
(b) an adapted system; or
(c) a system developed by the school district consistent with this rule and Rule R277-330.

Utah Admin. Code R277-323-3

Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-14, effective 7/9/2024
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-24, effective 12/10/2024