Rule R131-4 - Capitol Preservation Board General Procurement Rule
- Section R131-4-101 - Compliance With Utah Procurement Code, as Amended by Senate Bill 179 of the 2014 Utah Legislative Session
- Section R131-4-102 - Application of this Rule
- Section R131-4-103 - Exemptions from this Rule
- Section R131-4-104 - Records
- Section R131-4-105 - Definitions
- Section R131-4-201 - Procurement Policy
- Section R131-4-202 - Powers and Duties of the Budget Development and Board Operations Subcommittee in Regard to Procurement Policies
- Section R131-4-203 - Chief Procurement Officer
- Section R131-4-204 - Duties of Chief Procurement Officer
- Section R131-4-205 - Delegation of Authority
- Section R131-4-206 - Specific Statutory Authority
- Section R131-4-301 - Rules and Regulations for Specifications of Supplies
- Section R131-4-302 - Duty of Executive Director in Maintaining Specifications
- Section R131-4-303 - Purpose of Specifications
- Section R131-4-304 - Additional Specification Requirements
- Section R131-4-401 - Contracts Awarded by Sealed Bidding - Procedure
- Section R131-4-401A - Multi-Step Sealed Bidding
- Section R131-4-402 - Contracts Awarded by Reverse Auction
- Section R131-4-403 - Procurement - Use of Recycled Goods
- Section R131-4-404 - Preference for Providers of State Products
- Section R131-4-405 - Preference for Resident Contractors
- Section R131-4-407 - Use of Alkaline Paper
- Section R131-4-408 - Use of Competitive Sealed Proposals in lieu of Bids - Procedure
- Section R131-4-409 - Small Purchases
- Section R131-4-411 - Emergency Procurements
- Section R131-4-411A - Protected Records
- Section R131-4-412 - Cancellation and Rejection of Bids
- Section R131-4-413 - Determination of Nonresponsibility of Bidder or Offeror
- Section R131-4-414 - Prequalification of Suppliers
- Section R131-4-415 - Rules and Regulations to Determine Allowable Incurred Costs - Required Information - Auditing of Books
- Section R131-4-416 - Cost-Plus-a-Percentage-of-Cost Contract
- Section R131-4-417 - Period of Time for Contract of Supplies
- Section R131-4-418 - Right to Inspect Place of Business of Contractor or Subcontractor
- Section R131-4-419 - Determinations Final Except when Arbitrary and Capricious
- Section R131-4-420 - Factual Information to Attorney General if Collusion Suspected
- Section R131-4-421 - Records of Contracts Made
- Section R131-4-423 - Purchase of Prison Industry Goods
- Section R131-4-425 - Purchase from Community Rehabilitation Programs
- Section R131-4-501 - Alternative Methods of Construction Contracting Management
- Section R131-4-502 - Procurement of Design-Build Highway Project Contracts
- Section R131-4-503 - Bid Security Requirements
- Section R131-4-504 - Bonds Necessary When Contract is Awarded - Waiver - Action - Attorneys' Fees
- Section R131-4-505 - Preliminary Notice Requirement
- Section R131-4-506 - Form of Bonds - Effect of Certified Copy
- Section R131-4-507 - Qualifications of Contractors
- Section R131-4-601 - Construction Contract Clauses
- Section R131-4-602 - Certification of Change Order
- Section R131-4-701 - Procured in Accordance with R131-1
- Section R131-4-703 - Selection as Part of Design-Build or Lease
- Section R131-4-801 - In General
- Section R131-4-801A - Protest to Executive Director - Time - Authority to Resolve Protest
- Section R131-4-802 - Effect of Timely Protest
- Section R131-4-803 - Costs to or Against Protestor
- Section R131-4-804 - Debarment from Consideration for Award of Contracts - Causes for Debarment
- Section R131-4-805 - Authority to Resolve Controversy Between Capitol Preservation Board and Contractor
- Section R131-4-806 - Decisions of Executive Director to be in Writing - Effect of no Writing
- Section R131-4-807 - Procurement Appeals Board
- Section R131-4-814 - Right to Appeal to Court of Appeals
- Section R131-4-815 - Jurisdiction of District Court
- Section R131-4-816 - Effect of Prior Determination by Agents of State
- Section R131-4-817 - Statutes of Limitations
- Section R131-4-818 - Effect of Violation Prior to Award of Contract
- Section R131-4-819 - Effect of Violation after Award of Contract
- Section R131-4-820 - Interest Rate
- Section R131-4-901 - Public Procurement Units
- Section R131-4-1001 - Accepting or Offering Emolument