Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R58-20-3 - Application and Licensing Process(1) Each applicant for a license to operate an elk ranch shall submit a signed, complete, accurate, and legible application on a department issued form.(2) In addition to the application, an applicant shall submit a general plot plan showing the location of the proposed elk ranch in conjunction with roads, towns, and other points of interest in the immediate area.(3) The department shall assign a premises identification number to an elk ranch when the department approves a finished application.(4) After the department receives an application, a complete domesticated facility inspection shall be: (a) conducted before the issuing of a license or entry of elk to the elk ranch;(b) conducted by an approved department employee and a Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) employee; and(c) the responsibility of the applicant to request at least three working days in advance.(5) The department shall issue a license upon receipt of an application, inspection of the domesticated elk facility, completion of the facility approval form, and receipt of the license fee.(6) Each elk ranch license shall expire on July 1 in the year following the year of issuance.(7) The elk owner may only allow elk to enter the domesticated elk facility after the department has issued a license.(8) An elk owner shall submit an application to have a license for each location that is: (a) maintained for a different purpose such as raising elk vs. hunting elk; or(b) separated by two distinct perimeter fences without a shared alleyway.Utah Admin. Code R58-20-3
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-20, effective 9/19/2016Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2019-16, effective 7/22/2019Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-13, effective 6/13/2023Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-17, effective 8/23/2024