Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R58-18-10 - CWD Surveillance and Investigation(1) Any person or laboratory who suspects or diagnoses CWD in a domesticated elk in Utah shall notify the state veterinarian immediately.(2) The state veterinarian shall promptly investigate any domesticated elk reported as CWD-positive or CWD-suspect by: (a) conducting an epidemiologic investigation of CWD-positive, CWD-exposed, and CWD-suspect herds that includes the designation of suspect domesticated elk and exposed domesticated elk and that identifies animals to be traced;(b) performing tracebacks of CWD-positive animals and trace forwards of CWD-exposed animals; and(c) reporting any out-of-state traces to the appropriate state promptly after receipt of notification of a CWD-positive animal.(3) Within 30 days of the date that a CWD-suspect or CWD-positive domesticated elk is reported to the department, the state veterinarian shall provide written notice to an owner of a domesticated elk facility of: (a) the status of the animal disease traceability investigation, including any findings; and(b) the owner's right to appeal.(4) With the approval of the commissioner, the state veterinarian may place an elk facility under quarantine if a domesticated elk at the elk facility, within the previous 60 months: (a) has tested positive for CWD;(b) is a suspect domesticated elk; or(c) has commingled with a CWD-positive elk in a quarantined domesticated elk facility.(5) The state veterinarian may not place an elk facility under quarantine for CWD if there is no CWD-positive, CWD-suspect, or commingled domesticated elk residing at the domesticated elk facility.(6) The state veterinarian shall determine the designation and disposition of CWD-exposed, positive, or suspect domesticated elk or herds in Utah.(7)(a) The department requires each licensed elk farm to submit both the obex portion of the brainstem and medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes of any elk over 12 months of age that dies or is slaughtered or destroyed for testing for CWD by an official test at an approved laboratory.(b) The elk farm shall: (i) collect and preserve the brainstem and lymph node samples in formalin within 48 hours following the animals' death;(ii) submit the samples within seven days of collection to a laboratory approved by the state veterinarian; and(iii) be responsible for laboratory fees and expenses incurred for the collection and shipping of samples.(8) The state veterinarian authorized person or an approved laboratory shall collect the samples. An authorized person shall:(a) have training on collecting, storing, handling, shipping, and identifying specimens for submission; and(b) submit 90% testable samples.(c) If a state veterinarian authorized person does not submit 90% testable samples, they may lose their approval to collect samples and may require additional training.(9) The department considers samples designated as "location," "unsuitable," or "insufficient follicles," and missing samples as untestable.(10) The department may deny, revoke, or suspend a domestic elk farm license if a farm fails to submit at least one testable sample for 90% of elk that the elk owner slaughters or harvests, or that dies on the elk farm.(11) To determine compliance with the testing requirement listed in Subsection 4-39-503(1)(a)(ii), the department shall:(a) use the following testing compliance calculation = (Dead Tested + Hunt Killed Tested + Slaughtered Tested) divided by (Missing + Dead + Hunt Killed Tested + Slaughtered);(b) calculate the testing compliance listed in Subsection R58-18-11(11)(a) from May 1 to April 30: and(c) provide each facility with their calculated testing compliance no later than May 30.(12) An elk farm that does not have at least 90% testing compliance may conduct additional testing through slaughter or another protocol approved by the department to meet the testing compliance requirement before license renewal.(13) An elk farm that slaughters an animal shall ensure that:(a) CWD samples are collected and submitted in accordance with Section R58-18-12; and(b) the slaughter facility maintains individual elk identification throughout slaughter and processing, and until the laboratory returns the CWD test results.(14) A slaughter establishment may collect and submit the CWD samples.Utah Admin. Code R58-18-10
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-20, effective 9/19/2016Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2019-16, effective 7/22/2019Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2022-21, effective 10/24/2022Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-13, effective 6/13/2023Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-17, effective 8/23/2024