Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R33-103-101 - Delegation of Authority of the Chief Procurement OfficerPursuant to Section 63G-6a-304, the Chief Procurement Officer may delegate in writing:
(1) authority to an employee of the Division; and(2) authority to an executive branch procurement unit provided:(a) the executive director of the department agrees to the delegation;(b) the authorized procurement duties are outlined;(c) the responsibilities of the delegate to comply with the applicable laws, rules, and policies is stated; and(d) the delegation remains in effect unless modified or revoked in writing.Utah Admin. Code R33-103-101
Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-15, effective 7/9/2024, exp. 11/6/2024 (Emergency)Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-21, effective 10/22/2024