40 Tex. Admin. Code § 813.31

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 813.31 - Activities for Mandatory Work Registrants and Exempt Recipients Who Voluntarily Participate in SNAP E&T Services

The following activities may be provided for SNAP E&T mandatory work registrants and exempt recipients who voluntarily participate in SNAP E&T services, subject to the limitations specified in § 813.32 of this subchapter:

(1) Supervised job search services that shall:
(A) incorporate job readiness, job search training, directed job search, and group job search, and may include the following:
(i) Employability assessment;
(ii) Counseling;
(iii) Information on available jobs;
(iv) Occupational exploration, including information on local emerging and demand occupations;
(v) Interviewing skills and practice interviews;
(vi) Assistance with applications and résumés;
(vii) Job fairs;
(viii) Life skills; and
(ix) Guidance and motivation for development of positive work behaviors necessary for the labor market; and
(B) limit the number of weeks a mandatory work registrant or exempt recipient who voluntarily participates in SNAP E&T services can spend as follows:
(i) ABAWDs shall not be enrolled for more than four weeks, and the job search activity shall be provided in conjunction with the workfare activity, as described in § 813.32(a)(4)(D) of this subchapter.
(ii) General Population mandatory work registrants and exempt recipients who voluntarily participate in SNAP E&T services shall not be enrolled:
(I) for more than four weeks of consecutive activity under this paragraph; or
(II) for more than six weeks of total activity in a federal fiscal year.
(iii) Job search, when offered as part of other SNAP E&T activities, is allowed for more time than the limitations set forth in clauses (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph if the job search activities comprise less than half of the required time spent in other activities.
(2) Vocational training that shall:
(A) relate to the types of jobs available in the labor market;
(B) be consistent with employment goals identified in the employment plan, when possible; and
(C) be provided only if there is an expectation that employment will be secured upon completion of the training.
(3) Nonvocational education that shall increase employability, such as:
(A) enrollment and satisfactory attendance in:
(i) a secondary school; or
(ii) a course of study leading to a high school diploma or a certificate of general equivalence;
(B) basic skills and literacy;
(C) English proficiency; or
(D) postsecondary education, leading to a degree or certificate awarded by a training facility, career school or college, or other educational institution that prepares individuals for employment in current and emerging occupations that do not require baccalaureate or advanced degrees;
(4) Work experience, as authorized by 7 USC § 2015(d)(4)(B)(iv) and by 20 CFR § 663.200(b), for mandatory work registrants who need assistance in becoming accustomed to basic work skills that shall:
(A) occur in the workplace for a limited period oftime;
(B) be made in either the private for-profit, the nonprofit, or the public sectors; and
(C) be paid or unpaid;
(5) Unsubsidized employment
(6) Other activities approved in the current SNAP E&T state plan of operations

40 Tex. Admin. Code § 813.31

The provisions of this §813.31 adopted to be effective September 3, 2001, 26 TexReg 6731; amended to be effective February 26, 2003, 28 TexReg 1657; amended to be effective March 29, 2005, 30 TexReg 1799; amended to be effective August 17, 2009, 34 TexReg 5589; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 43, October 23, 2020, TexReg 7612, eff. 10/26/2020