40 Tex. Admin. Code § 807.194

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 807.194 - Enrollment Agreement
(a) For distance education schools, the enrollment agreement shall specify the amount of time allotted to the student to complete the program.
(b) A school shall submit an enrollment agreement to the Agency for approval.
(c) A school shall use only an approved enrollment agreement to enroll students.
(d) The executed enrollment agreement shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) full and correct name and location of the school;
(2) program title, tuition, fees, reasonable estimate cost of books and supplies, any other expenses, total cost of the program, items subject to cost change, method of payment and payment schedule, disclosure statement if interest is charged on more than three payments, and detachable buyer's right to cancel if enrollment is procured off campus;
(3) date training is to begin and program length;
(4) name, address, and signature of the student;
(5) student's email address if any part of the instruction or academically related activity is web based;
(6) statement by the school that the student will receive a copy of the school enrollment agreement and catalog at the time of signing by the student;
(7) cancellation and refund policy; and
(8) a Federal Trade Commission statement for holder in due course, unless no loans, grants, or installment payments are involved.
(e) The school shall provide a notice of cancellation, attached to the enrollment agreement, for any student enrolled off the school premises. The notice shall:
(1) include at least two copies;
(2) be easily detachable;
(3) be printed in boldface type, with a minimum font of 10 point;
(4) contain the date of the enrollment agreement, name and address of school, the date on which the statutory 72-hour cancellation privilege will expire, and any other provisions as determined by the Agency;
(5) be printed in the same language as used in the enrollment agreement; and
(6) be in such a form that can be used by the student to notify the school of the student's desire to cancel by dating, signing, and mailing or otherwise delivering the form to the school's address shown.
(f) A copy of the enrollment agreement form shall be given to the student and a copy maintained as a part of the student's file.

40 Tex. Admin. Code § 807.194

The provisions of this §807.194 adopted to be effective August 28, 2006, 31 TexReg 6803; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 47, Number 47, November 25, 2022, TexReg 7925, eff. 11/28/2022