40 Tex. Admin. Code § 800.481

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 800.481 - Other Assisted Negotiation and Mediation Processes
(a) Parties to a contract dispute under Texas Government Code, Chapter 2260 may agree, either contractually or when a dispute arises, to use other assisted negotiation and mediation (alternative dispute resolution) processes in addition to negotiation and mediation to resolve their dispute.
(b) Factors Supporting the Use of Other Assisted Negotiation or Mediation Processes. The following factors may help parties decide whether one or more of the other assisted negotiation and mediation processes could help resolve their dispute:
(1) The parties recognize the benefits of an agreed resolution of the dispute;
(2) The expense of proceeding to contested case hearing at SOAH is substantial and might outweigh any potential recovery;
(3) The parties want an expedited resolution;
(4) The ultimate outcome is uncertain;
(5) There exists factual or technical complexity or uncertainty which would benefit from expertise of a third-party expert for technical assistance or fact-finding;
(6) The parties are having substantial difficulty communicating effectively;
(7) A mediator third party could facilitate the parties' realistic evaluation of their respective cases;
(8) There is an on-going relationship that exists between parties;
(9) The parties want to retain control over the outcome;
(10) There is a need to develop creative alternatives to resolve the dispute;
(11) There is a need for flexibility in shaping relief;
(12) The other side has an unrealistic view of the merits of their case; or
(13) The parties (or aggrieved persons) need to hear an evaluation of the case from someone other than their lawyers.

40 Tex. Admin. Code § 800.481

The provisions of this §800.481 adopted to be effective August 23, 2000, 25 TexReg 8063