30 Tex. Admin. Code § 336.819

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 336.819 - Tier 3 Criteria

The commission shall consider as Tier 3 criteria the applicant's:

(1) technical qualifications to receive, store, process, and dispose of low-level radioactive waste;
(2) experience in management and disposal of low-level radioactive waste and other radioactive materials;
(3) previous operating practices in this state and elsewhere, including the practices of a parent, subsidiary, or affiliated entity of the applicant, related to radioactive materials;
(4) record of compliance with environmental statutes, rules, and licenses in this state and in any other jurisdiction, including the records of a parent or subsidiary of the applicant, subject to Texas Health and Safety Code, § 401.243;
(5) training programs proposed for its employees whose duties relate to the proposed site and activities;
(6) monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting plans;
(7) low-level radioactive waste spill detection and clean-up plans for the proposed site and activities;
(8) decommissioning and post-closure plans;
(9) security plans;
(10) monitoring and protection plans for workers;
(11) emergency plans;
(12) plans for background monitoring during the license period, including analysis of the ambient conditions of the site and analysis of established trends of the site's natural parameters, including:
(A) natural background radioactivity levels;
(B) radon gas levels;
(C) air particulate levels;
(D) soil characteristics, including chemical characteristics;
(E) surface water and groundwater characteristics; and
(F) flora and fauna at the site; and
(13) ability to adequately manage the proposed land disposal facility or facilities and activities for the term of the license.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 336.819

The provisions of this §336.819 adopted to be effective January 8, 2004, 29 TexReg 150