Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 336.815 - Tier 1 Criteria(a) The commission shall consider as Tier 1 criteria: (1) the natural characteristics of the site for a proposed land disposal facility or facilities;(2) the adequacy of the proposed land disposal facility or facilities and activities to safely isolate, shield, and contain low-level radioactive waste from mankind and mankind's environment; and(3) the adequacy of financial assurance related to the proposed activities.(b) Natural characteristics of the site include:(1) the suitability of the site for the proposed activities, including the site's: (A) geological characteristics;(B) topography, including features relating to erosion;(C) surface and underground hydrology;(D) meteorological factors; and(2) the compatibility of disposal activities with any uses of land near the site that could affect the natural performance of the site or that could affect monitoring of the land disposal facility or facilities and site;(3) the adequacy of plans for the collection of prelicense monitoring data and background monitoring plans for the site, including analysis of the ambient conditions of the site and established trends of the site's natural parameters, including: (A) natural background radioactivity levels;(C) air particulate levels;(D) soil characteristics, including chemical characteristics;(E) surface water and groundwater characteristics; and(F) flora and fauna at the site;(4) the possible effects of disposal activities on flora and fauna at or near the site; and(5) the ease of access to the site.(c) Adequacy of the proposed land disposal facility or facilities and activities includes: (1) the capability of the proposed land disposal facility or facilities and activities to isolate, shield, and contain low-level radioactive waste in conformity with federal standards;(2) acceptable operational safety; and(3) acceptable long-term safety as demonstrated by analysis or study.(d) Financial assurance criteria include: (1) adequacy of the applicant's financial qualifications to:(A) conduct the licensed activities as proposed, including:(i) any required decontamination, decommissioning, reclamation, or disposal; and(ii) control and maintenance of the site and land disposal facility or facilities after the cessation of active operations; and(B) address any unanticipated extraordinary events that would pose a risk to public health and safety and the environment and that may occur at the site after decommissioning and closure of the land disposal facility or facilities;(2) the adequacy of the applicant's financial assurance in an amount and type acceptable to the commission and adequate to cover potential injury to any property or person;(3) the adequacy of the applicant's financial security, as required by commission rules; and(4) the degree of certainty that the applicant will be able to maintain adequate financial security.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 336.815
The provisions of this §336.815 adopted to be effective January 8, 2004, 29 TexReg 150