Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 335.45 - Effect on Existing Facilities(a) Effect on permitted off-site facilities. Subchapters B - E of this chapter (relating to Hazardous Waste Management General Provisions; Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste; Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste; and Interim Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Storage, Processing, or Disposal Facilities), provide minimum requirements applicable to all persons generating, transporting, storing, processing, and disposing of hazardous waste. All persons holding permits or any other authorizations from the commission or its predecessor agencies, which relate to hazardous waste, shall meet the requirements of Subchapter E of this chapter until final administrative disposition of their permit application pursuant to standards prescribed by Subchapter F of this chapter (relating to Permitting Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Storage, Processing, or Disposal Facilities) is made. However, where the permit or authorization specifies additional or more stringent requirements, the provisions of the permit or authorization shall be complied with.(b) Effect on off-site facilities without a permit to re-use, recycle, or reclaim hazardous waste, or to burn hazardous waste in boilers or industrial furnaces. Any person who has commenced the off-site storage, processing, or disposal of hazardous wastes, or activities that are listed, identified or described by the administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 261, on or before the effective date of statutory or regulatory amendments under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, 42 United States Code §§6901 et seq., concerning the re-use, recycling, or reclamation of hazardous waste, or relating to the burning of hazardous waste in boilers or industrial furnaces, that render such wastes or activities subject to the requirements to have a hazardous waste permit, shall file an application with the commission on or before the effective date of such amendments, which includes the applicable information required by § 335.44 of this title (relating to Application for Existing On-site Facilities). Any person who has commenced off-site storage, processing, or disposal of hazardous waste on or before the effective date of such amendments, who has filed a hazardous waste permit application with the commission on or before the effective date of such amendments in accordance with the rules and regulations of the commission, and who complies with requirements in this chapter applicable to such activities, may continue the off-site storage, processing, or disposal of the newly listed or identified wastes or waste activities until such time as the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission approves or denies the application. In cases where the aforementioned federal statutory or regulatory amendments become effective prior to the effective date of state statutory or regulatory amendments under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 361, submittal to the executive director of a copy of the properly filed EPA permit application within 30 days of the effective date of the applicable state statutory or regulatory requirements shall constitute compliance with this subsection with regard to application filing requirements. Facilities that have received a permit for the re-use, recycling, or reclamation of hazardous waste in accordance with Subchapter F of this chapter are not required to comply with this subsection and may operate pursuant to their existing permit. Such permits, however, are subject to amendment under § 305.62 of this title (relating to Amendment) or to modification under § 305.69 of this title (relating to Solid Waste Permit Modification at the Request of the Permittee) to reflect new regulatory requirements.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 335.45
The provisions of this §335.45 adopted to be effective September 1, 1986, 11 TexReg 3695; amended to be effective July 29, 1992, 17 TexReg 5017; amended to be effective November 15, 2001, 26 TexReg 9135