Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 335.24 - Requirements for Recyclable Materials and Nonhazardous Recyclable Materials(a) Hazardous wastes that are recycled are subject to the requirements for generators, transporters, and storage facilities of subsections (d) - (f) of this section, except for the materials listed in subsections (b) and (c) of this section. Hazardous wastes that are recycled will be known as recyclable materials. Nonhazardous industrial wastes that are recycled will be known as nonhazardous recyclable materials. Nonhazardous recyclable materials are subject to the requirements of subsections (h) - (l) of this section.(b) The following recyclable materials are not subject to the requirements of this section, except as provided in subsections (g) and (h) of this section, but are regulated under the applicable provisions of Subchapter A of this chapter (relating to Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste in General), Subchapter H of this chapter (relating to Standards for the Management of Specific Wastes and Specific Types of Facilities) and all applicable provisions in Chapter 305 of this title (relating to Consolidated Permits); Chapter 1 of this title (relating to Purpose of Rules, General Provisions); Chapter 3 of this title (relating to Definitions); Chapter 10 of this title (relating to Commission Meetings); Chapter 17 of this title (relating to Tax Relief for Property Used for Environmental Protection); Chapter 20 of this title (relating to Rulemaking); Chapter 37 of this title (relating to Financial Assurance); Chapter 39 of this title (relating to Public Notice); Chapter 40 of this title (relating to Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure); Chapter 50 of this title (relating to Action on Applications and Other Authorizations); Chapter 55 of this title (relating to Requests for Reconsideration and Contested Case Hearings; Public Comment); Chapter 70 of this title (relating to Enforcement); Chapter 80 of this title (relating to Contested Case Hearings); and Chapter 86 of this title (relating to Special Provisions for Contested Case Hearings). (1) recyclable materials used in a manner constituting disposal;(2) hazardous wastes burned for energy recovery in boilers and industrial furnaces that are not regulated under Subchapter E of this chapter (relating to Interim Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities) or Subchapter F of this chapter (relating to Permitting Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities);(3) recyclable materials from which precious metals are reclaimed;(4) spent lead-acid batteries that are being reclaimed.(c) The following recyclable materials are not subject to regulation under Subchapters B - I or O of this chapter (relating to Hazardous Waste Management General Provisions; Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste; Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste; Interim Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities; Permitting Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities; Location Standards for Hazardous Waste Storage, Processing, or Disposal; Standards for the Management of Specific Wastes and Specific Types of Facilities; Prohibition on Open Dumps; and Land Disposal Restrictions); Chapter 1 of this title; Chapter 3 of this title; Chapter 10 of this title; Chapter 17 of this title; Chapter 20 of this title; Chapter 37 of this title; Chapter 39 of this title; Chapter 40 of this title; Chapter 50 of this title; Chapter 55 of this title; Chapter 70 of this title; Chapter 80 of this title; Chapter 86 of this title; or Chapter 305 of this title, except as provided in subsections (g) and (h) of this section: (1) Industrial ethyl alcohol that is reclaimed except that exports and imports of such recyclable materials must comply with the requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 262, Subpart H, as adopted under § 335.58 of this title (relating to Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste for Recovery or Disposal). Transporters transporting a shipment for export may not accept a shipment if they know the shipment does not conform to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) acknowledgment of consent, must ensure that a copy of the EPA acknowledgment of consent accompanies the shipment, and must ensure that it is delivered to the facility designated by the person initiating the shipment;(2) scrap metal that is not already excluded under 40 CFR § 261.4(a)(13) as adopted under § 335.504 of this title (relating to Hazardous Waste Determination);(3) fuels produced from the refining of oil-bearing hazardous waste along with normal process streams at a petroleum refining facility if such wastes result from normal petroleum refining, production, and transportation practices (this exemption does not apply to fuels produced from oil recovered from oil-bearing hazardous waste, where such recovered oil is already excluded under 40 CFR § 261.4(a)(12), as adopted under § 335.504 of this title; and(4) the following hazardous waste fuels: (A) Hazardous waste fuel produced from oil-bearing hazardous wastes from petroleum refining, production or transportation practices, or produced from oil reclaimed from such hazardous wastes where such hazardous wastes are reintroduced into a process that does not use distillation or does not produce products from crude oil so long as the resulting fuel meets the used oil specification under 40 CFR § 279.11 and so long as no other hazardous wastes are used to produce the hazardous waste fuel;(B) Hazardous waste fuel produced from oil-bearing hazardous waste from petroleum refining production, and transportation practices, where such hazardous wastes are reintroduced into a refining process after a point at which contaminants are removed, so long as the fuel meets the used oil fuel specification under 40 CFR § 279.11;(C) Oil reclaimed from oil-bearing hazardous wastes from petroleum refining, production, and transportation practices, which reclaimed oil is burned as fuel without reintroduction to a refining process, so long as the reclaimed oil meets the used oil fuel specification under 40 CFR § 279.11.(d) Generators and transporters of recyclable materials are subject to the applicable requirements of Subchapter A of this chapter (relating to Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste in General), Subchapter C of this chapter, Subchapter D of this chapter, and Subchapter R of this chapter , and the notification requirements of § 335.6 of this title (relating to Notification Requirements), except as provided in subsections (a) - (c) of this section.(e) Owners or operators of facilities that store recyclable materials before they are recycled are regulated under all applicable provisions of this chapter, and Chapter 305 of this title; Chapter 1 of this title; Chapter 3 of this title; Chapter 10 of this title; Chapter 17 of this title; Chapter 20 of this title; Chapter 37 of this title; Chapter 39 of this title; Chapter 40 of this title; Chapter 50 of this title; Chapter 55 of this title; Chapter 70 of this title; Chapter 80 of this title; and the notification requirements under § 335.6 of this title, except as provided in subsections (a) - (c) of this section. The recycling process itself is exempt from regulation.(f) Owners or operators of facilities that recycle recyclable materials without storing them before they are recycled are subject to the following requirements, except as provided in subsections (a) - (c) of this section: (1) notification requirements under § 335.6 of this title;(2) Section 335.12 of this title (relating to Shipping Requirements Applicable to Owners or Operators of Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities);(3) Section 335.15 of this title (relating to Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Applicable to Owners or Operators of Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities); and(4) the biennial reporting requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations §264.75 or §265.75 as adopted under § 335.112 or § 335.152 of this title (relating to Standards; or Standards). (g) Recyclable materials (excluding those listed in subsections (b)(4), and (c)(1) - (5) of this section) remain subject to the requirements of §§335.4, 335.6, and 335.9 - 335.15 of this title (relating to General Prohibitions; Notification Requirements; Recordkeeping and Annual Reporting Procedures Applicable to Generators; Shipping and Reporting Procedures Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste or Class 1 Waste; Shipping Requirements for Transporters of Hazardous Waste or Class 1 Waste; Shipping Requirements Applicable to Owners or Operators of Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities; Recordkeeping and Reporting Procedures Applicable to Generators Shipping Hazardous Waste or Class 1 Waste; Recordkeeping Requirements Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste or Class 1 Waste; and Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Applicable to Owners or Operators of Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities, respectively), as applicable. Recyclable materials listed in subsections (b)(4) and (c)(2) of this section remain subject to the requirements of subsection (h) of this section.(h) Industrial solid wastes that are nonhazardous recyclable materials and recyclable materials listed in subsections (b)(4) and (c)(2) of this section remain subject to the requirements of § 335.4 of this title. In addition, industrial solid wastes that are nonhazardous recyclable materials and recyclable materials listed in subsection (c)(2) of this section remain subject to the requirements of § 335.6 of this title. Industrial solid wastes that are nonhazardous recyclable materials and recyclable materials listed in subsections (b)(4) and (c)(2) of this section may also be subject to the requirements of §§ 335.10- 335.15 of this title, as applicable, if the executive director determines that such requirements are necessary to protect human health and the environment. In making the determination, the executive director shall consider the following criteria:(1) the waste's toxicity, corrosivity, flammability, ability to sensitize or irritate, or propensity for decomposition and creation of sudden pressure;(2) the potential for the objectionable constituent to migrate from the waste into the environment if improperly managed;(3) the persistence of any objectionable constituent or any objectionable degradation product in the waste;(4) the potential for the objectionable constituent to degrade into nonharmful constituents;(5) the degree to which the objectionable constituent bioaccumulates in ecosystems;(6) the plausible types of improper management to which the waste could be subjected;(7) the nature and severity of potential damage to the public health and environment;(8) whether subjecting the waste to additional regulation will provide additional protection for human health and the environment; and(9) other relevant factors.(i) Except as provided in Texas Health and Safety Code, § 361.090, facilities managing recyclable materials that are required to obtain a permit under this section may also be permitted to manage nonhazardous recyclable materials at the same facility if the executive director determines that such regulation is necessary to protect human health and the environment. In making this determination, the executive director shall consider the following criteria: (1) whether managing nonhazardous recyclable materials will create an additional risk of release of the hazardous recyclable materials into the environment;(2) whether hazardous and nonhazardous wastes that are incompatible are stored and/or processed in the same or connected units;(3) whether the management of recyclable materials and nonhazardous recyclable materials is segregated within the facility;(4) the waste's toxicity, corrosivity, flammability, ability to sensitize or irritate, or propensity for decomposition and creation of sudden pressure;(5) the potential for the objectionable constituent to migrate from the waste into the environment if improperly managed;(6) the persistence of any objectionable constituent or any objectionable degradation product in the waste;(7) the potential for the objectionable constituent to degrade into harmful constituents;(8) the degree to which the objectionable constituent bioaccumulates in ecosystems;(9) the plausible types of improper management to which the waste could be subjected;(10) the nature and severity of potential damage to the public health and environment;(11) whether subjecting the waste to additional regulation will provide additional protection for human health and the environment; and(12) other relevant factors.(j) Closure cost estimates.(1) Except as otherwise approved by the executive director, an owner or operator of a recycling facility that stores combustible nonhazardous materials outdoors, or that poses a significant risk to public health and safety as determined by the executive director, shall provide a written cost estimate, in current dollars, showing the cost of hiring a third party to close the facility by disposition of all processed and unprocessed materials in accordance with all applicable regulations. The closure cost estimate for financial assurance must be submitted with any new notification in accordance with §335.6 within 60 days of the effective date of this rule for existing facilities or as otherwise requested by the executive director.(2) The estimate must: (A) equal the costs of closure of the facility, including disposition of the maximum inventories of all processed and unprocessed combustible materials stored outdoors on site during the life of the facility, in accordance with all applicable regulations;(B) be based on the costs of hiring a third party that is not affiliated (as defined in § 328.2 of this title (relating to Definitions)) with the owner or operator; and(C) be based on a per cubic yard and/or short ton measure for collection and disposition costs.(k) Financial assurance. An owner or operator of a recycling facility that stores nonhazardous combustible recyclable materials outdoors, or that poses a significant risk to public health and safety as determined by the executive director, shall establish and maintain financial assurance for closure of the facility in accordance with Chapter 37, Subchapter J of this title (relating to Financial Assurance for Recycling Facilities).(l) Closure requirements.(1) Closure must include collecting processed and unprocessed materials, and transporting the materials to an authorized facility for disposition unless otherwise approved or directed in writing by the executive director.(2) Closure of the facility must be completed within 180 days following the most recent acceptance of processed or unprocessed materials unless otherwise approved or directed in writing by the executive director.(m) Used oil that is recycled and is also a hazardous waste solely because it exhibits a hazardous characteristic is not subject to the requirements of Subchapters A - I or O of this chapter, but is regulated under Chapter 324 of this title (relating to Used Oil Standards). Used oil that is recycled includes any used oil which is reused, following its original use, for any purpose (including the purpose for which the oil was originally used). Such term includes, but is not limited to, oil which is re-refined, reclaimed, burned for energy recovery, or reprocessed.(n) Owners or operators of facilities subject to hazardous waste permitting requirements with hazardous waste management units that recycle hazardous wastes are subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 264 or Part 265 , Subparts AA and BB, as adopted by reference under §335.152(a)(17) and (18) and § 335.112(a)(19) and (20) of this title (relating to Standards).(o) Hazardous waste that is exported or imported for purpose of recovery is subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 262 , Subpart H, as adopted under § 335.58 of this title.(p) Other portions of this chapter that relate to solid wastes that are recycled include § 335.1 of this title (relating to Definitions), under the definition of "Solid waste," § 335.6 of this title, § 335.17 of this title (relating to Special Definitions for Recyclable Materials and Nonhazardous Recyclable Materials), § 335.18 of this title (relating to Variances from Classification as a Solid Waste), § 335.19 of this title (relating to Standards and Criteria for Variances from Classification as a Solid Waste), § 335.26 of this title (relating to Notification Requirement for Hazardous Secondary Materials, § 335.27 of this title (relating to Legitimate Recycling of Hazardous Secondary Materials), Subchapter H of this chapter, and Subchapter V of this chapter (relating to Standards for Reclamation of Hazardous Secondary Materials).30 Tex. Admin. Code § 335.24
The provisions of this §335.24 adopted to be effective September 1, 1986, 11 TexReg 3693; amended to be effective July 14, 1987, 12 TexReg 2106; amended to be effective July 27, 1988, 13 TexReg 3515; amended to be effective March 1, 1996, 21 TexReg 1425; amended to be effective November 20, 1996, 21 TexReg 10983; amended to be effective October 19, 1998, 23 TexReg 10878; amended to be effective April 4, 1999, 24 TexReg 2352; amended to be effective November 15, 2001, 26 TexReg 9135; amended to be effective November4,2004, 29 TexReg 10134; amended to be effective February 21, 2013, 38 TexReg 978; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 23, June 5, 2020, TexReg 3787, eff. 6/11/2020; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 47, Number 04, January 28, 2022, TexReg 0337, eff. 2/3/2022