30 Tex. Admin. Code § 334.9

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 334.9 - Seller's Disclosure

Effective on and after the effective date of this subchapter, any person who sells or otherwise legally conveys a tank (or tank system) which is designed or intended to be installed as an underground storage tank (UST) or an aboveground storage tank (AST) must provide the purchaser (or grantee) with written notification of a tank owner's obligations relative to the agency's tank registration, compliance self-certification, and construction/installation notification provisions under § 334.7 of this title (relating to Registration for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and UST Systems); § 334.127 of this title (relating to Registration for Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs)); § 334.8 of this title (relating to Certification for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and UST Systems); § 334.6 of this title (relating to Construction Notification for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and UST Systems); and § 334.126 of this title (relating to Installation Notification for Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs)).

(1) The written notification must include the names and addresses of the seller (or grantor) and the purchaser (or grantee), the number of tanks involved, a description of each tank (capacity, tank material, and product stored, if applicable), and the agency's designated facility identification number (if the entire facility is being conveyed).
(2) This notification requirement applies to any transfers or conveyances of a new or used tank from one person to another person, and also applies to the sales of real property where USTs and/or ASTs are located.
(3) The written notification must be provided by the seller (or grantor) to the purchaser (or grantee) prior to the conveyance of the tanks, or prior to the time of the real property closing, as applicable.
(4) For the purpose of fulfilling the disclosure requirements of this section as to USTs, the following language (together with the information in paragraph (1) of this section) is deemed sufficient: "The underground storage tank(s) which are included in this conveyance are presumed to be regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and may be subject to certain registration, compliance self-certification, construction notification, and other requirements found in Title 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 334."
(5) For the purpose of fulfilling the disclosure requirements of this section as to ASTs, the following language (together with the information in paragraph (1) of this section) is deemed sufficient: "The aboveground storage tank(s) which are included in this conveyance are presumed to be regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and may be subject to certain registration, delivery prohibition, installation notification, and other requirements found in Title 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 334."

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 334.9

The provisions of this §334.9 adopted to be effective September 29, 1989, 14 TexReg 4714; amended to be effective November 23, 2000, 25 TexReg 11442; amended to be effective November 18, 2004, 29 TexReg 10532