(a) General policy. Design of facilities should follow guidelines established under 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1901.1 (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and other regulatory authorities.(b) Railings and stairways. Railings should conform with guidelines contained in 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1910.23. Openings in railings must have removable chains. Open valve boxes and pits must be guarded by railings. Refer to § 317.4(a)(7) of this title (relating to Wastewater Treatment Facilities) for additional requirements. Steep and vertical ladders are acceptable for infrequent access to equipment. Walkways and steps must have a nonslip finish. Ladders must have flat safety tread rungs and extensions at least one foot out of a vault. Seven feet of clearance shall be provided for overhead piping, unless piping is padded to prevent head injury and warning signs are provided.(c) Electrical code. Electrical design shall conform to local electrical codes. Where there are no local electrical codes, the design shall conform to the National Electrical Code. Where a flammable gas may exist, all electrical equipment shall conform to the requirements of the National Electrical Code, Chapter 5, Articles 500-510, "Hazardous Locations." The equipment shall bear the seal of the Underwriter Laboratories, Inc. or comply with the National Electrical Code. Adequate lighting must be provided, especially in areas to be serviced by personnel on duty during hours of darkness.(d) Unsafe water. When nonpotable water is made available to any part of the plant, all yard hydrants and outlets shall be properly marked "Unsafe Water," and all underground and exposed piping shall be identified as specified in subsection (g) of this section.(e) Plant protection. The plant area shall be completely fenced and have lockable gates at all access points. Plants containing open clarifiers, aeration basins, and other open tanks shall be surrounded by an eight-foot fence with a minimum single apron barbed wire outrigger. Livestock fence may be provided in lieu of an eight-foot fence for stabilization ponds, lagoons, overland flow plots, and similar facilities. Hazard signs stating "Danger--Open Tanks--No Trespassing" must be secured to the fence, within visible sighting of each other, as well as on all gates and levees. Plants shall have at least one all-weather access road with the driving surface situated above the 100-year flood plain or be provided by an alternate method of access approved by the commission.(f) Other safety equipment. The plant as a whole, and hazardous areas in particular, shall be posted in accordance with the Hazardous Communication Act.(g) Color coding of piping. All piping both exposed and to be buried or located out of view, containing gas, chlorine, or other hazardous materials, shall be color coded. Other piping should be color coded. All nonmetallic underground plant piping should be installed with tracer type. The nonpotable waterline should also be identified with a proper color coding. This line shall be painted white and be stenciled "NON-POTABLE WATER" or "UNSAFE WATER." The following coding is recommended by the Water Pollution Control Federation. Attached Graphic
(h) Portable ventilators and gas detection equipment. Portable gasoline operated ventilators must be provided for ventilating manholes. Personal gas detectors are required for wear by all personnel whose jobs require entering enclosed spaces capable of having accumulations of hydrogen sulfide or other harmful gases. An approved personnel retrieval system should be provided for continued space entry.(i) Potable water. Potable water should be provided to the plant site. Double-check backflow preventers must be provided at the main plant service. Atmospheric vacuum breakers are required at all potable water washdown hoses.(j) Freeze protection. All surfaces subject to freezing shall be adequately sloped to prevent standing water.(k) Noise levels. Noise levels in all working areas shall be kept below standards established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Removable noise attenuators should not be utilized.(l) Safety training. Regular safety training shall be provided to all employees.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 317.7
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 40, Number 47, November 20, 2015, TexReg 8341, eff. 11/26/2015