Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 294.43 - Actions Required After PGMA Designation(a) The commission shall provide copies of a priority groundwater management area (PGMA) designation order under § 294.42 of this title (relating to Commission Action Concerning PGMA Designation) to the commissioners court of any county that is affected by the designation of the PGMA, the Texas AgriLife Extension Service (TAES), and any existing groundwater conservation districts (GCDs) that are adjacent to the PGMA.(b) The executive director shall request an educational outreach program under this subsection after the commission designates a PGMA under § 294.42 of this title. (1) The executive director shall notify the TAES of the PGMA designation and assist in educational programming developed by the TAES under Texas Water Code (TWC), §35.012(c).(2) The executive director shall notify the commissioners court of each county of the court's educational programming responsibilities in the PGMA under TWC, §35.012(c).(c) No sooner than 120 days after the date the commission designated the PGMA under § 294.42 of this title, the executive director shall review the status of locally-initiated GCD creation in the PGMA.(d) The executive director shall identify the areas of the PGMA that are not within a GCD and develop recommended district boundaries that are consistent with the commission's PGMA designation order under § 294.42 of this title.(e) If landowners do not take actions to create a GCD under TWC, §35.012(b), within two years after the date the commission designated the PGMA, the commission shall initiate creation of one or more GCDs under § 293.19 of this title (relating to Creation of Groundwater Conservation Districts in Priority Groundwater Management Areas).(f) The commission may amend the territory in an order issued for a PGMA under § 294.42 of this title to adjust for areas that, in the time between when the order was issued under § 294.42 of this title relating to PGMA designation and the order issued under this section that have been added to an existing district or created as a separate district.(g) In making a modification under subsection (f) of this section, the commission may recommend: (1) creation of a new district in the area; or(2) that the area be added to a different district.(h) Except as provided by TWC, §35.013(h), a change in the order under subsection (f) of this section does not affect a deadline under TWC, §35.012 or §35.013.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 294.43
The provisions of this §294.43 adopted to be effective February 21, 1999, 24 TexReg 965; amended to be effective August 29, 2002, 27 TexReg 7954; amended to be effective August 16, 2012, 37 TexReg 6068