30 Tex. Admin. Code § 285.33

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 285.33 - Criteria for Effluent Disposal Systems
(a) General requirements.
(1) All disposal systems in this section shall have an approved treatment system as specified in §285.32(b) - (d) of this title (relating to Criteria for Sewage Treatment Systems).
(2) All criteria in this section shall be met before the permitting authority issues an authorization to construct.
(3) The pipe between all treatment tanks and the pipe from the final treatment tank to a gravity disposal system shall be a minimum of three inches in diameter and be American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 3034, Standard dimension ratio (SDR) 35 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe or a pipe with an equivalent or stronger pipe stiffness at a 5% deflection. The pipe must maintain a continuous fall to the disposal system.
(4) The pipe from the final treatment tank to a gravity disposal system shall be a minimum of five feet in length.
(5) Except for drip irrigation tubing, pipe under internal pressure within any part of an on-site sewage facility system shall meet the minimum requirements of ASTM Schedule 40.
(6) Pipe that crosses drainage easements shall be sleeved with ASTM Schedule 40 pipe; the pipes shall be buried at least one foot below the surface, or buried less than one foot and encased in concrete; the outside pipe shall have locater tape attached to the pipe; and markers shall be placed at the easement boundaries to indicate the location of the pipe crossing. Crossings shall be designed and constructed in a manner that protects the pipe and the drainage way from erosion.
(b) Standard disposal systems. Acceptable standard disposal methods shall consist of a drainfield to disperse the effluent either into adjacent soil (absorptive) or into the surrounding air through evapotranspiration (evaporation and transpiration).
(1) Absorptive drainfield. An absorptive drainfield shall only be used in suitable soil. There shall be two feet of suitable soil from the bottom of the excavation to either a restrictive horizon or to groundwater.
(A) Excavation. The excavation must be made in suitable soils as described in § 285.31(b) of this title (relating to Selection Criteria for Treatment and Disposal Systems).
(i) The excavation shall be at least 18 inches deep but shall not exceed a depth of either three feet or six inches below the soil freeze depth, whichever is deeper. Single excavations shall not exceed 150 feet.
(ii) In areas of the state where annual precipitation is less than 26 inches per year (as identified in the Climatic Atlas of Texas, (1983) published by the Texas Department of Water Resources or other standards approved by the executive director), the maximum permissible excavation depth shall be five feet.
(iii) Multiple excavations must be separated horizontally by at least three feet of undisturbed soil. The sidewalls and bottom of the excavation must be scarified as needed. When there are multiple excavations, it is recommended that the ends be looped together.
(iv) The bottom of the excavation shall be not less than 18 inches in width.
(v) The bottom of the excavation shall be level to within one inch over each 25 feet of excavation or within three inches over the entire excavation, whichever is less.
(vi) If the borings or backhoe pits excavated during the site evaluation encounter a rock horizon and the site evaluation shows that there is both suitable soil from the bottom of the rock horizon to two feet below the bottom of the proposed excavation and no groundwater anywhere within two feet of the bottom of the proposed excavation, a standard subsurface disposal system may be used, providing the following are met.
(I) The depth of the excavation shall comply with clause (i) of this subparagraph.
(II) The rock horizon shall be at least six inches above the bottom of the excavation.
(III) Surface runoff shall be prevented from flowing over the disposal area.
(IV) Subsurface flow along the top of the rock horizon shall be prevented from flowing into the excavation.
(V) The sidewall area will not be counted toward the required absorptive area.
(VI) The formulas in clause (vii)(I) - (III) of this subparagraph shall be adjusted so that no credit is given for sidewall area.
(VII) No single pipe drainfields on sloping ground as shown in § 285.90(5) of this title (relating to Figures) or no systems using serial loading shall be used.
(vii) The size of the excavation shall be calculated using data from § 285.91(1) and (3) of this title (relating to Tables). The soil application rate is based on the most restrictive horizon along the media, or within two feet below the bottom of the excavation. The formula A = Q/Ra shall be used to determine the total absorptive area where:

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(I) The absorptive area shall be calculated by adding the bottom area (L x W) of the excavation to the total absorptive area along the excavated perimeter 2(L+W), (in feet) multiplied by one foot.

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(II) The length of the excavation may be determined as follows when the area and width are known.

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(III) For excavations three feet wide or less, use the following formula, or § 285.91(8) of this title to determine L.

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(B) Media. The media shall consist of clean, washed and graded gravel, broken concrete, rock, crushed stone, chipped tires, or similar aggregate that is generally one uniform size and approved by the executive director. The size of the media must range from 0.75 - 2.0 inches as measured along its greatest dimension except as noted in clause (i) of this subparagraph.
(i) If chipped tires are used:
(I) a geotextile fabric heavier than specified in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph must be used; and
(II) the size of the chipped tires must not exceed three inches as measured along their greatest dimension.
(ii) Soft media such as oyster shell and soft limestone shall not be used.
(C) Drainline. The drainline shall be constructed of perforated distribution pipe and fittings in compliance with any one of the following specifications:
(i) three- or four-inch diameter PVC pipe with an SDR of 35 or stronger;
(ii) four-inch diameter corrugated polyethylene, ASTM F405 in rigid ten foot joints;
(iii) three- or four-inch diameter polyethylene smoothwall, ASTM F810;
(iv) three- or four-inch diameter PVC ASTM D2729 pipe;
(v) three- or four-inch diameter polyethylene ASTM F892 corrugated pipe with a smoothwall interior and fittings; or
(vi) any other pipe approved by the executive director.
(D) Drainline installation requirements. The drainline shall be placed in the media with at least six inches of media between the bottom of the excavation and the bottom of the drainline. The drainline shall be completely covered by the media and the drainline perforations shall be below the horizontal center line of the pipe. For typical drainfield configurations, see § 285.90(5) of this title. For excavations greater than four feet in width, the maximum distance between parallel drainlines shall be four feet (center to center). Multiple drainlines shall be manifolded together with solid or perforated pipe. Additionally, the ends of the multiple drainlines opposite the manifolded end shall either be manifolded together with a solid line, looped together using a perforated pipe and media, or capped.
(E) Permeable soil barrier. Geotextile fabric shall be used as the permeable soil barrier and shall be placed between the top of the media and the excavation backfill. Geotextile fabric shall conform to the following specifications for unwoven, spun-bounded polypropylene, polyester, or nylon filter wrap.

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(F) Backfilling. Only Class Ib, II, or III soils as described in § 285.30 of this title (relating to Site Evaluation) shall be used for backfill. Class Ia and IV soils are specifically prohibited for use as a backfill material. The backfill material shall be mounded over the excavated area so that the center of the backfilled area slopes down to the outer perimeter of the excavated area to allow for settling. Surface runoff impacting the disposal area is not permitted and the diversion method shall be addressed during development of the planning materials.
(G) Drainfields on irregular terrain. Where the ground slope is greater than 15% but less than 30%, a multiple line drainfield may be constructed along descending contours as shown in § 285.90(5) of this title. An overflow line shall be provided from the upper excavations to the lower excavations. The overflow line shall be constructed from solid pipe with an SDR of 35 or stronger, and the excavation carrying the overflow pipe shall be backfilled with soil only.
(H) Drainfield plans. A number of sketches, specifications, and details for drainfield construction are provided in § 285.90(4) and (5) of this title.
(2) Evapotranspirative (ET) system. An ET system may be used in soils which are classified as unsuitable for standard subsurface absorption systems according to § 285.31(b) of this title with respect to texture, restrictive horizons, or groundwater. Water saving devices must be used if an ET system is to be installed. ET systems shall only be used in areas of the state where the annual average evaporation exceeds the annual rainfall. Evaporation data is provided in § 285.91(7) of this title.
(A) Liners. An impervious liner shall be used between the excavated surface and the ET system in all Class Ia soils, where seasonal groundwater tables penetrate the excavation, and where a minimum of two feet of suitable soil does not exist between the excavated surface and either a restrictive horizon or groundwater. Liners shall be rubber, plastic, reinforced concrete, gunite, or compacted clay (one foot thick or more). If the liner is rubber or plastic, it must be impervious, and each layer must be at least 20 mils thick. Rubber or plastic liners must be protected from exposed rocks and stones by covering the excavated surface with a uniform sand cushion at least four inches thick. Clay liners shall have a permeability of 10 -7 centimeters/second or less, as tested by a certified soil laboratory.
(B) ET system sizing. The following formula shall be used to calculate the top surface area of an ET system.

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(C) The owner of the ET system shall be advised by the person preparing the planning materials of the limits placed on the system by the Q selected. If the Q is less than required by § 285.91(3) of this title, the flow rate shall be included as a condition to the permit, and stated in an affidavit properly filed and recorded in the deed records of the county as specified in § 285.3(b)(3) of this title (relating to General Requirements).
(D) Backfill material. Backfill material shall consist of Class II soil as described in § 285.30 of this title. All drainlines must be surrounded by a minimum of one foot of media. Backfill shall be used to fill the excavation between the media to allow the backfill material to contact the bottom of the excavation.
(E) Vegetative cover for transpiration. The final grade shall be covered with vegetation fully capable of taking maximum advantage of transpiration. Evergreen bushes with shallow root systems may be planted in the disposal area to assist in water uptake. Grasses with dormant periods shall be overseeded to provide year-round transpiration.
(F) ET systems. ET systems shall be divided into two or more equal excavations connected by flow control valves. One excavation may be removed from service for an extended period of time to allow it to dry out and decompose biological material which might plug the excavation. If one of the excavations is removed from service, the daily water usage must be reduced to prevent overloading of the excavation(s) still in operation. Normally, an excavation must be removed from service for two to three dry months for biological breakdown to occur.
(G) ET system plans. A number of sketches for ET system construction are provided in § 285.90(4) and (5) of this title.
(3) Pumped effluent drainfield. Pumped effluent drainfields shall use the specifications for low-pressure dosed drainfields described in subsection (d)(1) of this section, with the following exceptions.
(A) Applicability. If the slope of the site is greater than 2.0%, pumped effluent drainfields shall not be used. Pumped effluent drainfields may only be used by single family dwellings.
(B) Length of distribution pipe. There shall be at least 1,000 linear feet of perforated pipe for a two bedroom single family dwelling. For each additional bedroom, there shall be an additional 400 linear feet of perforated pipe. No individual distribution line shall exceed 70 feet in length from the header.
(C) Excavation width and horizontal separation. The excavated area shall be at least six inches wide. There shall be at least three feet of separation between trenches.
(D) Lateral depth and vertical separation. All drainfield laterals shall be between 18 inches and three feet deep. There shall be a minimum vertical separation distance of one foot from the bottom of the excavation to a restrictive horizon, and a minimum vertical separation of two feet from the bottom of the excavation to groundwater.
(E) Media. Each dosing pipe shall be placed with the drain holes facing down and placed on top of at least six inches of media (pea gravel or media up to two inches measured along its greatest dimension).
(F) Pipe and hole size. The distribution (dosing) and manifold (header) pipe shall be 1.25 - 1.5 inches in diameter. The manifold may have a diameter larger than the distribution pipe, but shall not exceed 1.5 inches in diameter. Distribution (dosing) pipe holes shall be 3/16 - 1/4 inch in diameter and shall be spaced five feet apart.
(G) Pump size. Pumped effluent drainfields shall use at least a 1/2 horsepower pump.
(H) Backfilling. Only Class Ib, II, or III soils as described in § 285.30(b)(1)(A) of this title shall be used for backfill.
(c) Proprietary disposal systems.
(1) Gravel-less drainfield piping. Gravel-less pipe may be used only on sites suitable for standard subsurface sewage disposal methods. Gravel-less pipe shall be eight-inch or ten-inch diameter corrugated perforated polyethylene pipe. The pipe shall be enclosed in a layer of unwoven spun-bonded polypropylene, polyester, or nylon filter wrap. Gravel-less pipe shall meet ASTM F-667 Standard Specifications for large diameter corrugated high density polyethylene (ASTM D 1248) tubing. The filter cloth must meet the same material specifications as described under subsection (b)(1)(E) of this section.
(A) Planning parameters. Gravel-less drainfield pipe may be substituted for drainline pipe in both absorptive and ET systems. When gravel-less pipe is substituted, media will not be required. ET systems shall be backfilled with Class II soils only. All other planning parameters for absorptive or ET systems apply to drainfields using gravel-less pipe.
(B) Installation. The connection from the solid line leaving the treatment tank to the gravel-less line shall be made by using an eight or ten-inch offset connector. The gravel-less line shall be laid level, the continuous stripe shall be up, and the lines shall be joined together with couplings. A filter cloth must be pulled over the joint to eliminate soil infiltration. The gravel-less pipe must be held in place during initial backfilling to prevent movement of the pipe. The end of each gravel-less line shall have an end cap and an inspection port. The inspection port shall allow for easy monitoring of the amount of sludge or suspended solids in the line, and allow the distribution lines to be back-flushed.
(C) Drainfield sizing. To determine appropriate drainfield sizing, use a drainfield width of W = 2.0 feet for an eight-inch diameter gravel-less pipe, and an excavation width of W = 2.5 for a ten-inch gravel-less pipe.

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(2) Leaching chambers. Leaching chambers are bottomless chambers that are installed in a drainfield excavation with the open bottom of the chamber in direct contact with the excavation. The ends of the chamber rows shall be linked together with non-perforated sewer pipe. The chambers shall completely cover the excavation, and adjacent chambers must be in contact with each other in such a manner that the chambers will not separate. To obtain the reduction in drainfield size allowed in subparagraph (A)(i) and (ii) of this paragraph for excavations wider than the chambers, the chambers shall be placed edge to edge.
(A) The following formulas shall be used to determine the length of an excavation using leaching chambers.
(i) The following formula is used for leaching chambers without water saving devices and the excavation is the same width as the chamber.

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(ii) The following formula is used for leaching chambers with water saving devices and the excavation is the same width as the chamber.

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(iii) The following formula is used for leaching chambers without water saving devices and the excavation width is greater than the width of the chamber.

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(iv) The following formula is used for leaching chambers with water saving devices and the excavation width is greater than the width of the chamber.

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(B) Leaching chambers shall not be used for absorptive drainfields in Class Ia or IV soils. Leaching chambers may be used instead of media in ET systems, low-pressure dosed drainfields, and soil substitution drainfields; however, the size of the drainfield shall not be reduced from the required area.
(C) Backfill covering leaching chambers shall be Class Ib, II, or III soil.
(3) Drip irrigation. Drip irrigation systems using secondary treatment may be used in all soil classes including Class IV soils. The system must be equipped with a filtering device capable of filtering particles larger than 100 microns and that meets the manufacturer's requirements.
(A) Drainfield layout. The drainfield shall consist of a matrix of small-diameter pressurized lines, buried at least six inches deep, and pressure reducing emitters spaced at a maximum of 30-inch intervals. The pressure reducing emitter shall restrict the flow of effluent to a flow rate low enough to ensure equal distribution of effluent throughout the drainfield.
(B) Effluent quality. The treatment preceding a drip irrigation system shall treat the wastewater to secondary treatment as described in § 285.32(e) of this title unless the drip irrigation system has been approved by the executive director as a proprietary disposal system without the use of secondary treatment.
(C) System flushing. Systems must be equipped to flush the contents of the lines back to the pretreatment unit when intermittent flushing is used. If continuous flushing is used during the pumping cycle, the contents of the lines must be returned to the pump tank.
(D) Loading rates. Pressure reducing emitters can be used in all classes of soils using loading rates specified in § 285.91(1) of this title. Pressure reducing emitters are assumed to wet four square feet of absorptive area per emitter; however, overlapping areas shall only be counted once toward absorptive area requirements. The loading rate shall be based on the most restrictive soil horizon within one foot of the pressure reducing emitter. When solid rock is less than 12 inches below the pressure reducing emitter, the loading rate shall be based on Class IV soils.
(E) Vertical separation distance. There shall be a minimum of one foot of soil (with less than 60% gravel) between the pressure reducing emitter and groundwater and six inches between the pressure reducing emitter and solid rock, or fractured rock. For proprietary disposal systems that do not pretreat to secondary treatment, there shall be two feet of soil (with less than 30% gravel) between the groundwater and pressure reducing emitter and one foot of soil between solid rock or fractured rock and the pressure reducing emitter.
(F) Labeling or listing. All drip irrigation system devices shall either be labeled by the manufacturer as suitable for use with domestic sewage, or be on the list of approved devices maintained by the executive director according to § 285.32(c)(4) of this title.
(4) Approval of proprietary disposal systems. All proprietary disposal systems, other than those described in this section, shall be approved by the executive director before they may be used. Proprietary disposal systems shall be approved by the executive director using the procedures established in §285.32(c)(5) of this title.
(d) Nonstandard disposal systems. All disposal systems not described or defined in subsections (b) and (c) of this section are nonstandard disposal systems. Planning materials for nonstandard disposal systems must be developed by a professional engineer or professional sanitarian using basic engineering and scientific principles. The planning materials for paragraphs (1) - (5) of this subsection shall be submitted to the permitting authority and the permitting authority shall review and either approve or disapprove them on a case-by-case basis according to § 285.5 of this title (relating to Submittal Requirements for Planning Materials). Electrical wiring for nonstandard disposal systems shall be installed according to § 285.34(c) of this title (relating to Other Requirements). Upon approval of the planning materials, an authorization to construct will be issued by the permitting authority. Approval for a nonstandard disposal system is limited to the specific system described in the planning materials for the specific location. The systems identified in paragraphs (1) - (5) of this subsection must meet these requirements, in addition to the requirements identified for each specific system in this section.
(1) Low-pressure dosed drainfield. Effluent from this type of system shall be pumped, under low pressure, into a solid wall force main and then into a perforated distribution pipe installed within the drainfield area.
(A) The effluent pump in the pump tank must be capable of an operating range that will assure that effluent is delivered to the most distant point of the perforated piping network, yet not be excessive to the point that blowouts occur.
(B) A start/stop switch or timer must be included in the system to control the dosing pump. An audible and visible high water alarm, on an electric circuit separate from the pump, must be provided.
(C) Pressure dosing systems shall be installed according to either design criteria in the North Carolina State University Sea Grant College Publication UNC-S82-03 (1982) or other publications containing criteria or data on pressure dosed systems which are acceptable to the permitting authority. Additionally, the following sizing parameters are required for all low-pressure dosed drainfields and shall be used in place of the sizing parameters in the North Carolina State University Sea Grant College Publication or other acceptable publications.
(i) The low-pressure dosed drainfield area shall be sized according to the effluent loading rates in § 285.91(1) of this title and the wastewater usage rates in § 285.91(3) of this title. The effluent loading rate (Ra) in the formula in § 285.91(1) of this title shall be based on the most restrictive horizon one foot below the bottom of the excavation. Excavated areas can be as close as three feet apart, measured center to center. All excavations shall be at least six inches wide. To determine the length of the excavation, use the following formulas, where L = excavation length, and A = absorptive area.
(I) If the media in the excavation is at least one foot deep, the length of the excavation is L = A/(w+2) where:
(-a-) w = the width of the excavation for excavations one foot wide or greater; or
(-b-) w = 1 for all excavations less than one foot wide.
(II) If the media in the excavation is less than one foot deep, the length of the excavation is L = A/(w + 2H), where H = the depth of the media in feet and:
(-a-) w = the width of the excavation for excavations one foot wide or greater; or
(-b-) w = 1 for all excavations less than one foot wide.
(ii) Each dosing pipe shall be placed with the drain holes facing down and placed on top of at least six inches of media (pea gravel or media up to two inches measured along the greatest dimension).
(iii) Geotextile fabric meeting the criteria in subsection (b)(1)(E) of this section shall be placed over the media. The excavation shall be backfilled with Class Ib, II, or III soil.
(iv) There shall be a minimum of one foot of soil (with less than 30% gravel) between the bottom of the excavation and solid or fractured rock. There shall be a minimum of two feet of soil (with less than 30% gravel) between the bottom of the excavation and groundwater.
(2) Surface application systems. Surface application systems include those systems that spray treated effluent onto the ground.
(A) Acceptable surface application areas. Land acceptable for surface application shall have a flat terrain (with less than or equal to 15% slope) and shall be covered with grasses, evergreen shrubs, bushes, trees, or landscaped beds containing mixed vegetation. There shall be nothing in the surface application area within ten feet of the sprinkler which would interfere with the uniform application of the effluent. Sloped land (with greater than 15%) may be acceptable if it is properly landscaped and terraced to minimize runoff.
(B) Unacceptable surface application areas. Land that is used for growing food, gardens, orchards, or crops that may be used for human consumption, as well as unseeded bare ground, shall not be used for surface application.
(C) Technical report. A technical report shall be prepared for any system using surface application and shall be submitted with the planning materials required in § 285.5(a) of this title. The technical report shall describe the operation of the entire on-site sewage facility OSSF system, and shall include construction drawings, calculations, and the system flow diagram. Proprietary aerobic systems may reference the executive director's approval list instead of furnishing construction drawings for the system.
(D) Effluent disinfection. Treated effluent must be disinfected before surface application. The effluent quality in the pump tank must meet the minimum required test results specified in § 285.91(4) of this title. All new disinfection equipment shall be listed as approved dispensers or disinfection devices for wastewater systems by NSF NSF International or by an ANSI accredited testing institution under ANSI/NSF Standard 46, or approved by the executive director. After January 1, 2016, all new disinfection equipment shall be listed as disinfection devices for wastewater systems by NSF International or by an ANSI accredited testing institution under ANSI/NSF Standard 46, or approved by the executive director. Installation of disinfection devices on new systems shall be performed by a licensed installer II. Tablet or other dry chlorinators shall use calcium hypochlorite properly labeled for wastewater disinfection. The effectiveness of the disinfection procedure will be established by monitoring either the fecal coliform count or total chlorine residual from representative effluent grab samples as directed in the testing and reporting schedule. The frequency of testing, the type of tests, and the required results are shown in § 285.91(4) of this title. Replacement of disinfection devices on existing systems may be considered an emergency repair as described in § 285.35 of this title (relating to Emergency Repairs) and shall be performed by either a licensed installer II, a licensed maintenance provider, or a registered maintenance technician.
(E) Minimum required application area. The minimum surface application area required shall be determined by dividing the daily usage rate (Q), established in § 285.91(3) of this title, by the allowable surface application rate (Ri = effective loading rate in gallons per square foot per day) found in § 285.90(1) of this title or as approved by the permitting authority.
(F) Landscaping plan. Applications for surface application disposal systems shall include a landscape plan. The landscape plan shall describe, in detail, the type of vegetation to be maintained in the disposal area. Surface application systems may apply treated and disinfected effluent upon areas with existing vegetation. If any ground within the proposed surface application area does not have vegetation, that bare area shall be seeded or covered with sod before system start-up. The vegetation shall be capable of growth, before system start-up.
(G) Uniform application of effluent. Distribution pipes, sprinklers, and other application methods or devices must provide uniform distribution of treated effluent. The application rate must be adjusted so that there is no runoff.
(i) Sprinkler criteria. The maximum inlet pressure for sprinklers shall be 40 pounds per square inch. Low angle nozzles (15 degrees or less in trajectory) shall be used in the sprinklers to keep the spray stream low and reduce aerosols. If the separation distance between the property line and the edge of the surface application area is less than 20 feet, sprinkler operation shall be controlled by timers set to spray between midnight and 5:00 a.m.
(ii) Planning criteria. Circular spray patterns may overlap to cover all irrigated area including rectangular shapes. The overlapped area will be counted only once toward the total application area. For large systems, multiple sprinkler heads are preferred to single gun delivery systems.
(iii) Effluent storage and pumping requirements.
(I) For systems controlled by a timer and required to spray between midnight and 5:00 a.m., there shall be at least one day of storage between the alarm-on level and the pump-on level, and a storage volume of one-third the daily flow between the alarm-on level and the inlet to the pump tank.
(II) For systems not controlled by a timer, the minimum dosing volume shall be at least one-half the daily flow, and a storage volume of one-third the daily flow between the alarm-on level and the inlet to the pump tank.
(III) Pump tank construction and installation shall be according to § 285.34(b) of this title.
(iv) Distribution piping. Distribution piping shall be installed below the ground surface and hose bibs shall not be connected to the distribution piping. An unthreaded sampling port shall be provided in the treated effluent line in the pump tank.
(v) Color coding of distribution system. All new distribution piping, valve box covers, and sprinkler tops shall be permanently colored purple to identify the system as a reclaimed water system according to Chapter 210 of this title (relating to Use of Reclaimed Water).
(3) Mound drainfields. A mound drainfield is an absorptive drainfield constructed above the native soil surface. The mound consists of a distribution area installed within fill material placed on the native soil surface. The required area of the fill material is a function of the texture of the native soil surface, the depth of the native soil, basal area sizing considerations, and sideslope requirements. A description of mound construction, as well as construction requirements not addressed in this section can be found in the North Carolina State University Sea Grant College Publication UNC-SG-82-04 (1982).
(A) A mound drainfield shall only be installed at a site where there is at least one foot of native soil; however, approval for installation on sites with less than one foot of native soil may be granted by the permitting authority on a case-by-case basis.
(B) Mounds and mound distribution systems must be constructed with the longest dimension parallel to the contour of the site.
(C) Soil classification, loading rates (R(a)), and wastewater usage rates (Q) shall all be obtained from this chapter.
(D) The depth of soil material (with less than 30% gravel) between the bottom of the media and a restrictive horizon must be at least 1.5 feet to the restrictive horizon or two feet to groundwater. The soil material includes both the fill and the native soil.
(E) The distribution area is defined as the interface area between the media containing the distribution piping and the fill material or the native soil, if applicable. The distribution length is the dimension parallel with the contour and equivalent to the length of the distribution media which must also run parallel with the contour. The distribution lines within the distribution media must extend to 12 inches of the end of the distribution media. The distribution width is defined as the distribution area divided by the distribution length.
(i) The formula A(d) = Q/R(a) shall be used for calculating the minimum required distribution area of the mound where:

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(ii) The area credited toward the minimum required distribution area can be determined in either of the following ways.
(I) If the distribution area consists of a continuous six-inch layer of media over the fill, the credited area is the bottom interface area between the media and soil beneath the media.
(II) If the distribution area consists of rows of media and distribution piping, the credited area can be calculated using the formulas listed in paragraph (1)(C)(i)(I) or (II) of this subsection depending on the depth of the media.
(iii) For sites with greater than 2% slopes and solid bedrock, saturated zones, or class IV horizons within two feet of the native soil surface, the length to width ratio of the distribution area must be at least 7:1. For sites with greater than 2% slopes and no solid bedrock, saturated zones, or class IV horizons within two feet of the native soil surface, the length to width ratio of the distribution area must be at least 4:1. No length to width ratio is required on a site with 2% slope or less.
(iv) Effluent must be pressure dosed into the distribution piping to ensure equal distribution and to control application rates.
(v) If a continuous layer of media is used, the dosing lines must not be spaced more than three feet apart. If rows of media are used, the rows may be as close as three feet apart, measured edge to edge.
(vi) The dosing holes must not be greater than three feet apart.
(F) The basal area is defined as the interface area between the native soil surface and the fill material. The formula A(b) = Q/R(a) must be used for calculating the minimum required basal area of the mound where: A(b) = minimum required basal absorptive area in square feet; Q = design wastewater usage rate in gallons per day; R(a) = application rate of the native soil surface in gallons per square foot per day.
(i) On sites with greater than 2% slope, the area credited toward the required minimum basal area is computed by multiplying the length of the distribution system by the distance from the upslope edge of the distribution system to the downslope toe of the mound.
(ii) On sites with 2% slopes or less, the area credited toward the minimum required basal area sizing includes all areas below the distribution system as well as the side slope area on all side slope areas greater than six inches deep.
(G) Mounds shall only be installed on sites with less than 10% slope.
(H) The toe of the mound is considered the edge of the soil absorption system.
(I) The side slopes must be no steeper than three to one.
(J) There must be at least six inches of backfill over the distribution media and the mound shall be crowned to shed water.
(4) Soil substitution drainfields. Soil substitution drainfields may be constructed in Class Ia soils, highly permeable fractured rock, highly permeable fissured rock, or Class II and III soils with greater than 30% gravel.
(A) A soil substitution drainfield must not be used in Class IV soils or Class IV soils with greater than 30% gravel. Class III or IV soil shall not be used as the substituted soil in a soil substitution drainfield. There must be at least two feet of substituted soil between the bottom of the media and groundwater.
(B) A soil substitution drainfield is constructed similar to a standard absorptive drainfield except that a minimum two foot thick Class Ib or Class II soil buffer shall be placed below and on all sides of the drainfield excavation. The soil buffer must extend at least to the top of the media. The two-foot buffer area along the sides of the excavation is not credited as bottom area in calculating absorptive area. However, the interface between the media and the substituted soil is credited as absorptive area.
(C) Soil substitution drainfields must be designed to address soil compaction to prevent unlevel disposal. It is recommended that low-pressure dosing be used for effluent distribution. The edge of the substituted soil is considered the edge of the soil absorption drainfield in determining the appropriate separation distances as listed in § 285.91(10) of this title.
(D) Class Ia soils do not provide adequate treatment of wastewater through soil contact. A soil substitution drainfield may be constructed in Class Ia soils in order to provide adequate soil for treatment. Absorptive area sizing must be based on the textural class of the substituted soil and must follow the formulas in subsection (b)(1)(A)(vii)(I) of this section.
(E) Highly permeable fractured and fissured rock, which contains soil in the fractures and fissures, does not provide adequate treatment of wastewater through soil contact. A soil substitution drainfield can be constructed in this permeable fractured and fissured rock in order to provide adequate soil for treatment. Absorptive area sizing must be based on the most restrictive textural class between either the native soil residing in the fractures or fissures or the substituted soil. The sizing must follow the formulas in subsection (b)(1)(A)(vii)(I) of this section.
(F) Class II and III soils with greater than 30% gravel do not provide adequate treatment of wastewater through soil contact. A soil substitution drainfield can be constructed in Class II or III soils with greater than 30% gravel in order to provide adequate soil for treatment. Absorptive area sizing must be based on the most restrictive textural class between either the non-gravel portion of the native soil or the substituted soil. The sizing must follow the formulas in subsection (b)(1)(A)(vii)(I) of this section.
(5) Drainfields following secondary treatment and disinfection. Subsurface drainfields following secondary treatment and disinfection may be constructed in Class Ia soils, fractured rock, fissured rock, or other conditions where insufficient soil depth will allow septic tank effluent to reach fractured rock or fissured rock, as long as the following conditions are met.
(A) Drainfield sizing.
(i) If the unsuitable feature is Class Ia soil, the disposal area sizing shall be based on the application rate for Class Ib soil. Some form of pressure distribution shall be used for effluent disposal.
(ii) If the unsuitable feature is fractured or fissured rock, the system sizing should be based on the application rate for Class III soil. Some form of pressure distribution system shall be used for effluent disposal.
(B) Effluent disinfection. Treated effluent must be disinfected as indicated in § 285.32(e) of this title before discharging into the drainfield.
(C) Other requirements. The affidavit, maintenance, and testing and reporting requirements of § 285.3(b)(3) of this title and § 285.7(a) and (d) of this title (relating to Maintenance Requirements) apply to these systems.
(6) All other nonstandard disposal systems. The planning materials for all non-standard disposal systems not described in paragraphs (1) - (5) of this subsection shall be submitted to the executive director for review according to § 285.5(b)(2) of this title before the systems can be installed.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 285.33

The provisions of this §285.33 adopted to be effective February 5, 1997, 22 TexReg 1114; amended to be effective June 13, 2001, 26 TexReg 4115; amended to be effective August 29, 2002, 27 TexReg 7917; amended to be effective August 3, 2006, 31 TexReg 6013; amended to be effective September 11, 2008, 33 TexReg 7536; amended to be effective December 27, 2012, 37 TexReg 9947; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 48, Number 26, June 30, 2023, TexReg 3512, eff. 7/6/2023