Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 21.2 - Definitions and Abbreviations(a) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (1) Aquaculture--The commercial propagation and/or rearing of aquatic species utilizing ponds, lakes, fabricated tanks and raceways, or other similar structures.(2) Flow--The total by volume of all wastewater discharges authorized under a permit issued in accordance with Texas Water Code (TWC), Chapter 26, expressed in order of preference, as an average flow per day, an annual average, a maximum flow per day, or an annual maximum, exclusive of variable or occasional storm water discharges. Generally, the flow amount used to calculate fees is the sum of the volumes of discharge for all outfalls of a facility, but excludes internal outfalls. However, for those facilities for which permit limitations on the volumes of discharge apply only to internal outfalls, the flow amount used to calculate fees is the sum of the volumes of discharge for all internal outfalls of the facility, exclusive of variable or occasional storm water discharges.(3) Flow type-- (A) Contaminated--Sanitary wastewater, process wastewater flows, or any mixed wastewaters containing more than 10% process wastewaters, or flows containing more than one million gallons per day process wastewater regardless of the percent of total comprised of process wastewater.(B) Uncontaminated--Non-contact cooling water or mixed flows containing not more than one million gallons per day of process wastewater, with the overall mixture being at least 90% non-contact cooling water.(4) Inactive permit--A permit which authorizes a waste treatment facility which is not yet operational or where operation has been suspended, and where the commission has designated the permit as inactive.(5) Land application (retention) permit--A permit which does not authorize the discharge of wastewater into surface waters in the state, including, but not limited to, permits for systems with evaporation ponds or irrigation systems.(6) Major permit--A permit designated as a major permit, by either EPA or the commission and subject to provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System or Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System's permit authority.(7) Parameter--A variable which defines a set of physical properties whose values determine the pollution potential for a waste discharge.(8) Report only permit--A permit which authorizes the variable or occasional discharge of wastewaters with a requirement that the volume of discharge be reported, but without any limitation on the volume of discharge.(9) State water--The water of the ordinary flow, underflow, and tides of every flowing river, natural stream, and lake, and of every bay or arm of the Gulf of Mexico, and the storm water, floodwater, and rainwater of every river, natural stream, and watercourse in the state. State water also includes water which is imported from any source outside the boundaries of the state for use in the state and which is transported through the beds and banks of any navigable stream within the state or by utilizing any facilities owned or operated by the state. Additionally, state water injected into the ground for an aquifer storage and recovery project remains state water. State water does not include percolating groundwater, nor does it include diffuse surface rainfall runoff, groundwater seepage, or springwater before it reaches a watercourse.(10) Storm water authorization--Some individual permits authorize the variable or occasional discharge of accumulated storm water and storm water runoff, but without any specific limitation on the volume of discharge. Storm water discharge may be the only discharge authorized in a permit, or it may be included in addition to other parameters.(11) Toxicity rating--A graduated rating, with Groups I - VI, assigned to an industrial permit based on the source(s) of wastewater, the standard industrial classification of the facility, and the specific type of operation.(12) Traditional pollutants--Certain parameters typically found in wastewater permits, specifically oxygen demand (biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC)), total suspended solids (TSS), and ammonia (NH3).(13) Uses of state water--Types of use of surface water authorized by water rights under TWC, Chapter 11.(A) Agricultural use--Any use or activity involving agriculture, including irrigation. The definition of "agriculture use" is the same as in TWC, §11.002(12), as follows:(i) cultivating the soil to produce crops for human food, animal feed, or planting seed or for the production of fibers;(ii) the practice of floriculture, viticulture, silviculture, and horticulture, including the cultivation of plants in containers or nonsoil media, by a nursery grower;(iii) raising, feeding, or keeping animals for breeding purposes or for the production of food or fiber, leather, pelts, or other tangible products having a commercial value;(iv) raising or keeping equine animals, wildlife management; and(v) planting cover crops, including cover crops cultivated for transplantation, or leaving land idle for the purposes of participating in any governmental program or normal crop or livestock rotation procedure.(B) Consumptive use--The use of state water for domestic and municipal, industrial, agricultural, or mining purposes, consistent with the meaning of these uses for which water may be appropriated under TWC, Chapter 11.(C) Hydropower use--The use of water for hydroelectric and hydromechanical power and for other mechanical devices of like nature.(D) Industrial use--The use of water in processes designed to convert materials of a lower order of value into forms having greater usability and commercial value, including, without limitation, commercial feedlot operations, commercial fish and shellfish production, and the development of power by means other than hydroelectric.(E) Irrigation use--The use of state water for the irrigation of crops, trees, and pasture land including, but not limited to golf courses and parks which do not receive water through a municipal distribution system. This use is now part of the definition of agriculture use in TWC, §11.002(12).(F) Mariculture use--The propagation and rearing of aquatic species, including shrimp, other crustaceans, finfish, mollusks, and other similar creatures in a controlled environment using brackish or marine water. This use is exempt from the need for a water right.(G) Mining use--The use of state water for mining processes including hydraulic use, drilling, washing sand and gravel, and oil field repressuring.(H) Municipal--The use of potable water within a community or municipality and its environs for domestic, recreational, commercial, or industrial purposes or for the watering of golf courses, parks and parkways, or the use of reclaimed water in lieu of potable water for the preceding purposes or the application of municipal sewage effluent on land, pursuant to a TWC, Chapter 26, permit where: (i) the application site is land owned or leased by the Chapter 26 permit holder; or(ii) the application site is within an area for which the commission has adopted a no-discharge rule.(I) Non-consumptive uses--The use of state water for those purposes not otherwise designated as consumptive uses under this section, including hydroelectric power, navigation, non-consumptive recreation, and other beneficial uses, consistent with the meaning of these uses and for which water may be appropriated under TWC, Chapter 11.(J) Other use--Any beneficial use of state water not otherwise defined herein.(K) Recharge--The use of a surface source of state water for injection into an aquifer, or for increasing the amount of natural recharge to an underground aquifer.(L) Recreational use--The use of water impounded in or diverted or released from a reservoir or watercourse for fishing, swimming, water skiing, boating, hunting, and other forms of water recreation, including aquatic and wildlife enjoyment, and aesthetic land enhancement of a subdivision, golf course, or similar development.(14) Wastewater permit--An order issued by the commission in accordance with the procedures prescribed by TWC, Chapter 26, establishing the treatment which shall be given to wastes being discharged into or adjacent to any water in the state to preserve and enhance the quality of the water and specifying the conditions under which the discharge may be made, and including those permits issued under the authority of TWC, Chapter 26, and other statutory provisions (such as the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 361) for the treatment or discharge of wastewater. For the purpose of this subchapter, the term "permit" shall include any other authorization for the treatment or discharge of wastewater, including permits by rule and registrations and similar authorizations other than general permits.(A) Individual permit--A wastewater permit, as defined in TWC, §26.001, including registrations and permits by rule, issued by the commission or the executive director to a specific person or persons in accordance with the procedures prescribed in TWC, Chapter 26 (other than TWC, §26.040).(B) General permit--A wastewater permit issued under the provisions of § 205.1 of this title (relating to Definitions) authorizing the discharge of waste into or adjacent to water in the state for one or more categories of waste discharge within a geographical area of the state or the entire state as provided by TWC, §26.040.(15) Water right--A right acquired under authority of TWC, Chapter 11 and the rules of the commission to impound, divert, store, convey, or use state water.(b) Abbreviations. The following abbreviations apply to this chapter.(1) (lb/day)--Pounds per day.(2) mgd--Million gallons per day.(3) mg/l--Milligrams per liter. For fee calculations, mg/l are converted to pounds per day (lb/day) using mg/l multiplied by flow volume in mgd, and multiplied by 8.34 equals lb/day.(4) SIC--Standard Industrial Classification assigned to a facility generating wastewater.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 21.2
The provisions of this §21.2 adopted to be effective October 6, 2002, 27 TexReg 9356