Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 115.786 - Recordkeeping Requirements(a) If using a flow indicator to comply with § 115.783(1)(A) of this title (relating to Equipment Standards), the owner or operator shall: (1) maintain hourly records of whether the flow indicator was operating and whether a diversion was detected at any time during the hour; and(2) record all periods when: (A) the vent stream is diverted from the control stream; or(B) the flow indicator is not operating.(b) If securing the bypass line valve in the closed position to comply with § 115.783(1)(B) of this title, the owner or operator shall: (1) maintain a record of the dates that the monthly visual inspection of the seal or closure mechanism has been performed;(2) record the date and time of all periods when: (A) the seal mechanism is broken;(B) the bypass line valve position has changed; or(C) the key for a lock-and-key type lock has been checked out; and(3) maintain a record of each time the bypass line valve was opened, including: (A) the date and time the valve was opened;(B) the date and time the valve was closed;(C) the reason(s) the valve was opened;(D) the estimated flow rate through the valve; and(E) the resulting emissions, including the basis for the emissions estimate.(c) Records of all non-repairable components subject to § 115.782(c) of this title (relating to Procedures and Schedule for Leak Repair and Follow-up) must be maintained. Reports must be submitted by January 31 for the previous July 1 through December 31 and July 31 for the previous January 1 through June 30 of each year to the Houston regional office and any local air pollution control agency having jurisdiction. The report must contain: (1) the component identification code;(3) the leak concentration measurement and date, if a hydrocarbon gas analyzer was used to determine the leak;(4) if the owner or operator used the alternative work practice in § 115.358 of this title (relating to Alternative Work Practice), indication that the leak was determined according to the alternative work practice and the date the leak was detected;(5) the date of the last scheduled process unit shutdown; and(6) the total number of non-repairable components awaiting repair or replacement.(d) The owner or operator shall maintain records in accordance with § 115.356 of this title (relating to Recordkeeping Requirements), including records identifying, by one or more of the methods specified in §115.781(a)(1) - (6) of this title (relating to General Monitoring and Inspection Requirements), and justifying each exemption claimed exempt under § 115.787 of this title (relating to Exemptions). The following additional requirements also apply: (1) the calculation showing the estimated volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rates of the component as required by § 115.782(c)(1)(B)(i)(II) of this title if extraordinary efforts are not going to be initiated; and(2) records for each process unit with leaking components, updated within five business days after a leaking component is determined to require a process unit shutdown to repair and where extraordinary efforts to repair the component will not be pursued, including the following: (A) the date, calculations, and estimated daily VOC emissions as required by § 115.782(c)(1)(B)(i)(III) of this title;(B) the date, calculations, and comparison of daily VOC emissions as required by § 115.782(c)(1)(B)(i)(IV) and (ii) of this title; and(C) the date of each process unit shutdown required due to VOC emissions of leaking components exceeding the expected VOC emissions from the shutdown.(e) The owner or operator shall maintain a record of the results of all monitoring and inspections conducted in accordance with § 115.781 of this title.(f) If the owner or operator elects to use the alternative work practice in § 115.358 of this title, the following records must be maintained in addition to the records required by subsections (a) - (e) of this section. (1) The owner or operator shall maintain a list of each component that is monitored according to the alternative work practice in § 115.358 of this title.(2) The owner or operator shall maintain records of the detection sensitivity level selected from the table in § 115.358(e)(1) of this title.(3) The owner or operator shall maintain records of the analysis to determine the component in contact with the lowest mass fraction of chemicals that are detectable, as required by the daily instrument check procedure referenced in § 115.358(c)(2) of this title.(4) The owner or operator shall maintain records of the technical basis for the mass fraction of detectable chemicals used for the daily instrument check procedure referenced in § 115.358(c)(2) of this title.(5) The owner or operator shall maintain records of each daily instrument check required by § 115.358(c)(2) of this title. These records include: (A) the flow meter reading of the leak used in the daily instrument check and the distance from which the leak was imaged;(B) a video record, with a date and time stamp, of the daily instrument check for each configuration and operator of the optical gas imaging instrument used during monitoring; and(C) the name of each operator performing the daily instrument check.(6) The owner or operator shall maintain records of the leak survey results as follows for all components that the owner or operator monitors using the alternative work practice in § 115.358 of this title. (A) A video record must be used to document the leak survey results and the results of the recheck to verify the leak has been repaired, if the alternative work practice in § 115.358 of this title is used to perform the recheck. The video record must meet the following requirements. (i) The video record must include a time and date stamp for each monitoring event.(ii) Each component must be identifiable in the video record.(B) The records must include the name of each operator performing the leak survey for each monitoring event.(7) The owner or operator shall maintain records of the annual Method 21 screening required by § 115.358(f) of this title, including:(A) the components screened according to Method 21;(B) the concentration measured according to Method 21;(C) the date and time of the Method 21 screening; and(D) the calibrations required by Method 21.(8) The owner or operator shall maintain records of the training required by § 115.358(h) of this title.(9) If the owner or operator elects to use the alternative frequencies for the annual Method 21 specified in § 115.781(h)(6) of this title, the following additional records must be maintained: (A) a list of each component that the owner or operator is using the alternative frequencies allowed under § 115.781(h)(6) of this title; and(B) the percent leaking components for the specific population of components included in the alternative frequency schedule.(10) The owner or operator shall maintain records of the optical gas imaging instrument manufacturer's operating parameters.(g) The owner or operator shall maintain all records for at least five years and make them available for review upon request by authorized representatives of the executive director, United States Environmental Protection Agency, or local air pollution control agencies with jurisdiction.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 115.786
The provisions of this §115.786 adopted to be effective January 17, 2003, 28 TexReg 113; amended to be effective December 23, 2004, 29 TexReg 11623; amended to be effective June 24, 2010, 35 TexReg 5293