Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 115.180 - Recordkeeping RequirementsRecords required in this section must be maintained for five years onsite or at the nearest local field office and must be made available upon request to representatives of the executive director, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or any local air pollution control agency having jurisdiction in the area. Results must be made available for review within 24 hours.
(1) The owner or operator shall maintain records of any operational parameter monitoring required in § 115.178(f) of this title (relating to Monitoring and Inspection Requirements). Such records must be sufficient to demonstrate proper functioning of those devices to design specifications and must include, but are not limited to, the following.(A) For a direct-flame incinerator, the owner or operator shall continuously record the exhaust gas temperature immediately downstream of the device.(B) For a condensation system, the owner or operator shall continuously record the outlet gas temperature to ensure the temperature is below the manufacturer's recommended operating temperature for controlling the volatile organic compounds (VOC) vapors routed to the device.(C) For a carbon adsorption system or carbon adsorber, the owner or operator shall: (i) continuously record the exhaust gas VOC concentration of any carbon adsorption system monitored according to § 115.178(f)(3)(A) of this title; or(ii) record the date and time of each switch between carbon containers and the method of determining the carbon replacement interval if the carbon adsorption system or carbon adsorber is switched according to § 115.178(f)(3)(B) of this title.(D) For a catalytic incinerator, the owner or operator shall continuously record the inlet and outlet gas temperature.(E) For a vapor recovery unit, the owner or operator shall maintain records of the continuous operational parameter monitoring required in § 115.178(f)(5) of this title.(F) For any other control device, the owner or operator shall maintain records of the continuous operational parameter monitoring required in § 115.178(f)(6) of this title sufficient to demonstrate proper functioning of the control device to design specifications.(2) The owner or operator claiming an exemption in § 115.172 of this title (relating to Exemptions) shall maintain records sufficient to demonstrate continuous compliance with the applicable exemption criteria.(3) The owner or operator shall maintain the results of any control device testing conducted in accordance with § 115.179 of this title (relating to Approved Test Methods and Testing Requirements) including, at a minimum, the following information: (A) the date of each periodic performance test;(B) the test method(s) used to conduct the test;(C) the equipment type listed in § 115.170 of this title (relating to Applicability) controlled by the device; and(D) the report showing the testing results of the control device.(4) Except for fugitive emission components, the owner or operator shall maintain records of the results of each inspection, monitoring survey other than monitoring specified in § 115.178(f) of this title, and repair required in this division, including the following items: (A) the date of the inspection;(B) an identifier of each piece of leaking equipment;(C) the tag information required by the owner or operator in accordance with § 115.178(d) of this title, if different than the information in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph;(D) the status of the cover or closure device during inspection;(E) the date on which attempts at repair, if necessary, were made, the date on which a repair was made, and an explanation of the reasons, if repair was delayed;(F) the equipment type and associated designation (e.g, difficult-to-monitor), if appropriate, listed in § 115.170 of this title;(G) the amount of time a cover or closure device was open since the last inspection for reasons not allowed in the control requirements of § 115.175 of this title (relating to Storage Tank Control Requirements);(H) screening concentration results from monitoring using a hydrocarbon analyzer; and(I) the results of monitoring following repair required in § 115.178(b)(2)(A) or (e) of this title.(5) The owner or operator of a reciprocating compressor subject to § 115.173(3)(D) or (E) of this title (relating to Compressor Control Requirements) shall document the following information to demonstrate compliance with the appropriate control requirement: (A) the continuously recorded number of hours the reciprocating compressor operated between each rod packing replacement, restarting the number of hours after the date of each replacement, as necessary; and(B) the date and time of each reciprocating compressor rod packing replacement and the number of months between each replacement, as necessary.(6) The owner or operator of a pneumatic device shall:(A) maintain records documenting that a control device does not exist onsite as of the appropriate date of compliance in § 115.183 of this title (relating to Compliance Schedules) if complying with § 115.174(e)(2) of this title (relating to Pneumatic Controller and Pump Control Requirements); and(B) maintain records documenting that maintenance is performed as required by § 115.174(f) of this title.(7) The owner or operator shall maintain records of audio, visual, and olfactory inspections and monitoring surveys required for any fugitive emission component including the following:(A) instrument monitoring survey dates;(C) a list of repairs needed, the date on which attempts at repair were made, explanation of the reasons for delay of repair, the date on which a repair was made, and unit shutdowns;(D) a list of fugitive emission components that are difficult-to-monitor and unsafe-to-monitor;(E) required electronic photos to document optical gas imaging monitoring surveys;(F) fugitive emission component monitoring plan required in § 115.177(a) of this title (relating to Fugitive Emission Component Requirements);(G) documentation for wells with the volume of gas at standard temperature and pressure that is produced from a volume of oil when depressurized to standard temperature and pressure (i.e., a gas/oil ratio) of less than 300 standard cubic feet per stock barrel of crude oil produced; and(H) if using the alternative work practice in § 115.358 of this title (relating to Alternative Work Practice), the records required by §115.356(4)(A) - (I) of this title (relating to Recordkeeping Requirements).(8) An owner or operator shall maintain a report with the information specified in this paragraph. Every five years from the previous completion date, the report information must be updated, as necessary, and maintained. The information must include, at a minimum, the following:(A) the regulated entity name and number, if a regulated entity number exists for the entity;(B) a description of and the identity of, which may include a clearly labeled diagram, each piece of equipment and fugitive emission component groupings;(C) the initial compliance status of each piece of equipment and fugitive emission component grouping, including functional needs for pneumatic controllers at a natural gas processing plant specified in § 115.174(e)(4) of this title and technical infeasibility issues with controlling pneumatic pumps at a well site specified in § 115.174(e)(5) of this title; and(D) an assessment and certification by the owner or operator that any closed vent system used to route emissions to a control device, including routing to a process, is of sufficient design and capacity to ensure that volatile organic compounds emissions are routed to the control device.30 Tex. Admin. Code § 115.180
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 46, Number 29, July 16, 2021, TexReg 4344, eff. 7/21/2021