30 Tex. Admin. Code § 101.110

Current through Reg. 49, No. 36; September 6, 2024
Section 101.110 - Baseline Amount for New Major Stationary Sources, New Construction at a Major Stationary Source, or Major Stationary Sources with Less Than 24 Months of Operation
(a) Baseline amount. A baseline amount may be established for major stationary sources after the attainment date as follows.
(1) If a major stationary source did not meet the applicability requirements in § 101.101 of this title (relating to Applicability) on the attainment date of November 15, 2007, a major stationary source may establish a baseline amount based on the first full year of operation in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter.
(2) A major stationary source may include emissions limits from new emissions units authorized after the attainment date in its baseline amount determination if those emissions units were authorized by a nonattainment new source review permit, issued under Chapter 116, Subchapter B, Division 5 of this title (relating to Nonattainment Review Permits).
(b) Baseline amount reporting. Within 90 calendar days of completing one full calendar year of operation, the owner or operator of each major stationary source in an area meeting the requirements of § 101.101 of this title shall submit to the executive director a report establishing its baseline amount on a form published by the executive director. The baseline amount is the lower of:
(1) the first full year of baseline emissions; or
(2) emissions allowed under applicable authorizations.
(c) For purposes of this subchapter, the emissions considered for the baseline amount for a new unit or units are restricted to the emissions units without a previously established baseline amount.
(d) Adjustment. The baseline amount as established under subsection (b) of this section may be adjusted for major stationary sources meeting the applicability requirements in § 101.101 of this title if the major stationary source or emissions units at the major stationary source experienced less than 24 months of consecutive operation by the area's attainment date or later. The adjusted baseline amount must be reported on a form published by the executive director within 90 calendar days of completing 24 months of operation. The adjusted baseline amount must be computed for the applicable emissions units and major stationary source as allowed under subsection (b) of this section as the lower of the following:
(1) total average amount of baseline emissions for the 24-month period; or
(2) emissions allowed under authorizations applicable to the major stationary source.
(e) Approval. The adjusted baseline amount calculation is subject to approval by the executive director. Baseline amounts will be fixed and not change except as allowed under § 101.109 of this title (relating to Adjustment of Baseline Amount) without the approval of the executive director until the Failure to Attain Fee no longer applies for the area as described under § 101.118 of this title (relating to Cessation of Program).

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 101.110

The provisions of this §101.110 adopted to be effective June 12, 2013, 38 TexReg 3610